Wednesday, July 17, 2013

My canteen.....Kame sushi

Fresh Japanese Oysters, just flown in for the day...still soaked in its own brine

I really and seriously wished that Kame Sushi is my canteen...
which I can drop by on a daily basis. Hahahahaha No...I am serious about this :)))

problem is...I alwiz have to make reservation bcoz everyday *except Monday* it is FULLY BOOKED!!!. They are closed on Monday and also for Japanese Holidays. I've seen too many times, walk-in first timer clients being turned down.

Chef Kame: "so soooorrrriiiii.. Full!!"
Clients: "but the counter is still empty??!?!?!"
Chef Kame: "Sorrriiiiii. Rerrr-sze-vei-shen. Fooooliii booked!!"
Clients: "There's only 2 of us!!!"
Chef Kame: " table!! Arigato gozaimasu"

yeah this reservation no dining. Hahahahahaha. Sometimes even if we place reservation 24 hours in advance to no avail. Even if Monkey throw JS's name at Chef Kame during last minute reservation, it won't would be the same answer......SORRRIIII!!!

JS, ur name tak boleh pakai lar here. Not "powderful" enuff hahahahaha......just kidding. I guess it's just so fully booked he can't even squeeze us into his kitchen.....or on the floor...LOL. But I am not as desperate as some friends who will ask for dinner...then lunch....then the next day and the following days until they finally found a slot. HAHAHAHAHAHA....

My usual 5 pieces of sushi dinner platter
Chef Kame knows this is my usual...

There's no menu's only Omakase. We used to have the omakase set which was so substantial until Waitress had to wheel me outta the restaurant at the end of each meal. Now I'll just come for their sushis...nothing else but sushi. Oh well after this is called Kame Sushi isn't it????

Lurve it for the quality of their rice, temperature of the fish, the cut and thickness of them, most of all the freshness of all of its sea produce.

But I'm a simple gal....wat I'll kill and dive for are these babies.....Negi Torro
really simple chopped oily fatty torro with carefully diced japanese leeks. Mix them together and wrapped them into sushi....

The fattiness of the fish was balanced by the fresh crunchy onion-taste young leeks. Wrapped in fatty warm grains and finally all tussed in crispy fragrant seaweed. U know why the seaweed is so crispy and fragrant-ful??? coz he lightly toast them on a special toaster before wrapping it.

oh my comfort food...I can have 6 pieces of these on my own...and usually end up in a chopstick tussle and war with JS over who will have the last piece!!!
*chopsticks action, klik klak pik pak*
yeah to the laughter of Chef Kame...

a simple bow of Pork Curry Udon
yeah it's just so simple....u'll need to order a Mini Pork Curry Udon...they have different sizes to cater to your stomach's needs. LOL
They have the beef version but I prefer pork. Oink oink.

wat's so special about it?
it's the rich pork broth that give it such a yummy base. Followed by loads of carrots and potatoes that thickens the curry. Then the mixture of curry was so intense, it just make anyone's mouth waters at the smell and sight of it.

Oh well we never fail to tempt the next person seated next to us to order this upon watching us slurping our heartylicious Udon. Such comfort food~~~~~~

the texture of Udon is also very important
just the right chewiness and each strand must be covered with its thick japanese curry. YUMMSSSSS. Oh well who would have's just a curry udon.

That also reminds me I have yet to blog about this Udon place in Taman Desa....oh gawd so many makan place in my list. Well, we have to eat everyday don't we? So if I have 2 meals a day that makes it 730 postings to be done each year for every meal that I had!!!!

and finally some fresh Japanese peaches, also just flown in. So so soft and sweet!!!!
Lurve the japanese blue bowl so much.

We got a few *prollie a few is an understatement* japanese handmade tableware last weekend at Takashimaya. Great Sale!!!! woohooooo.  Yeah I am collecting tablewares now instead of bags and shoes. One has to change hobby from time to time to make life more exciting.

So wat u waiting for? Make ur reservation soon :)))))

Kame Sushi Japanese Restaurant
20, Jalan 31/70A,
Desa Sri Hartamas,
Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 603 2858 7739
closed on Mondays


  1. I wonder why they cut up the oyster? never seen someone cut up oyster like this before...

    and the second photo of a glorious toro.... drooling....

  2. Because the oyster was super besar...maybe this pic couldn't tell its size...but it's as big as a saucer plate. Hence needed to cut into bit size otherwise customers will choke on one...LOL :)))))))

  3. I was so happy to have tried this place during my trip back last Dec. Omakase menu was definitely very worth it and will be back :)

  4. Kindy Chai: My tummy can no longer fit the full omakase :))) yeah really worth the price :))
