Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Krug Dinner hosted by Olivier Krug

Invitations were sent out weeks ahead....we were pretty excited to be part of this exclusive dinner hosted by none other than Olivier Krug himself, the 6th generation of the Krug family.

Krug is the most prestigious champagne house in the world. With an advanced philosophy during its time, Johann Joseph Krug wanted to produce champagne with the ultimate pleasure. To be enjoyed each and every year...even if it's a bad year. So how do u achieve this? Blending is the key word here. I will no post more about it as it was pretty much written a few months ago during our visit to Krug factory in France.

the boys...okie a few boys congregated at Caveau their usual drinking hound prior to dinner. I didn't touch any liquid and saved my stomach + palate for the dinner.

this part of Scotts Road is like treasure for us....with all the makan and minum establishments lining side by side. :)))))))))))) 

JS was the unofficial photog that evening though LVMH group did appoint an official photog.

By the way Krug is now part of the big monopoly LVMH group who owns most of the brands that I adorn, use on my face and skin, that tells me time on my wrist, that gives me the bling and blang when I wear them on my fingers, that I drink and be "champagne showered" with.

Sigh...it's so sad...that includes Hermes...now I pray deeply that Chanel will not be part of them. Sometimes how do u say NO to a company with revenue of Euro 25 Billion each year? yea u read that right...billion...not million!!!! and yes it's EURO.

The private room of Les Amis was decorated with bottles and bottles and bottles of Krug champagnes ranging from Grand Cuvees to vintage bottles. I think they were merchandising materials though coz it's confirmed 100% empty bottles hahahahaha.

Chatty chatty yak yak yak chitty chatty during the cocktail session
everyone looked so relaxed during the candid shots

But when u asked them to pose.......it's horrible shots!!!
I can't imagine the pain the photographers have to go through IF....IF any of these gentlemen was asked to do a magazine cover shot.


I did my magazine shot in 15 minutes :P Not that I'm pro nor photogenic but after the hair and makeup of 2 hours I ran out of time :P and patience.

The ladies were bz discussing about......diamonds

Sean and Yiks
this one confirmed lawyers talk

earlier...everyone was discussing the dress code of "elegant"
Yiks: "I got nothing elegant to wear.....it's either work wear or homewear"
The rest: "Wear ur work wear then!!!"

Yiks: "My court attire would look like a penguin!!!!!"
hmmmm I never thought that a lawyer's attire = penguin.......bahahahahaha.

Julien who hosted us in France, Michelle brand manager, Lady boss of LVMH Singapore, and finally Olivier Krug himself

Read about the wonderful lunch Julien hosted *here*

Once the VVIPS have arrived...everyone were finally settled down for dinner and more champagnes :)))))))))))

Amuse Bouche of Bonito Flan with caviar
soft like toufu with the smoked bonito nose and salt cured caviar
this was paired with a stunning Krug Clos de Mesnil 2000
my 5th bottle in my entire life....
gosh!!! how could they start the dinner with a Clos de Mesnil???? it's too luxurious!!!

but to their reply...nothing is too luxurious for their clients.

can I have more of it then? :)))))))))))))

bread is alwiz good to cleanse ur palate before moving on ot the next wine/champagnes :)))))

Mud Crab with horseradish, served with seaweed oil and more fresh radish.
Paired with Krug Vintage 2000
this dish was pretty delicious though I was expecting more of Les Amis

a pic from JS's Leica Vario and my iPhone 4s :)))))))
of Monkey and Olivier Krug
and so......I was put next to the man himself. It was really an honor...my friends really know how to "put me on the table"

I really like their apron....unlike Dom Perignon, there was a souvenir shop and JS bought one during our visit at Moet & Chandon...I think the Krug apron would be nicer right? :))))

Taking pic of u taking pic of me :)))))))

and now a proper pic of Champagne Queen Val and Chili King Ann Liat
I noticed that ppl who can take really spicy Scoville chart topper chilis can really drink champagnes too!!!

Most of us were separated....hello my dear friends on the other side!!!! Did u miss me? :)))))

Opening speech by Mr. Olivier Krug
his great great great great grandfather Johan Joseph Krug was really a genius :)))))
thank you to him, we get exquisitely blended champagnes today.

Seared Scallop with smoked eel foam and potato confit was slightly overdone to my taste.
Hmmmm wat's happening? the food at Les Amis wasn't as good as our previous lunch.
Read about our amazing lunch *here*

Main course of Iberian Pork with parsnip chips and roasted jus
this dish was paired with Krug Rose
somehow I find the luncheon better bcoz we had the same dish.

As alwiz, Si Fu Lawrence alwiz had loads of questions :))))
This is why Julien was here....to attend to all his mind boggling enquiries :))))

Rose for the pork :)))))))

Langres Cheese......
a cow's milk cheese from the same region as champagne
right now is the best time to enjoy Langres cheese, bcoz it is much more matured after a few weeks of aging. It is soft in the middle and not as heavy as my favourite cheese - Epoisse from Burgundy. That has got to be the Top cheese in my list :))))))

for an outstanding cheese, we have the special Krug Collection 1989
Krug bottles outstanding years under their "Collection" series

Krug lovers/clients attest to it...

the horror look of "wat? they ran out of champagnes?"

very intense discussion about the champagnes *I hope*

Finally dessert of Poached cherries with layers of yoghurt and pistachio biscuits served with sour cherry sorbet.

 and finally we finished the rich, deep and intense Krug Collection 1989

Financier with lemon curd
it was crispy like cookies...think they over-baked their financiers....
it should be Finankies or Cookciers

eppy ppl alwiz smile till u can't see their eyes.
Moomba-ing Auggie and Mrs.
Thank you for being a Krug Ambassador in Singapore....and the visit you've arranged for us last November. :)))))))

Bagaholic Tracie and Monkey
she said she's no longer bagaholic and I have yet to give her a new title. Coz her next hobby is even more dangerous :P

I like my watch....a hand-me down Roger Dubuis. They used to manufacture movements for Patek Philippe. Today Roger Dubuis is own by Richemont *oh yes....at least a non-LVMH group brand*
But then again, Richemont is paving its way to be like LVMH...with Panerai, JLC, Van Cleef, Mont Blanc, Net a Porter, IWC, Chloe, Ralph Lauren under its group.....arghhhhhh

JS was complaining there isn't a pic of him
hahahahahhaha...wat to do, u wanted to be the unofficial photog :P

Thank you to Krug champagne and LVMH for hosting us at this dinner :))))

Read about our visit and journey with Krug *here*


  1. what a posh event! I ll take the scallop & Iberian pork pls... hehehe

    btw.. love bangs on you!! so chic chic...

  2. hahaha thank you :)))))))))))
