Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Lunch @ Les Amis, Singapore

Beautiful butter on basalt black platter with some sea salt
It's alwiz a pleasure and "pressure" to dine at Les Amis hahahahahaha and this time around we changed our wine dinner format to a wine luncheon.

The M people have been doin luncheon here and 2 weekends ago, it was Monkey's first lunch at Les Amis...after many many years. Usually it's our dinner place but this lunch was proved to be such a sensational one that I am craving for more each and every day.

crispy buttery Brioche bread with sea salt on top
yeah I know, I alwiz tend to choose richer, fatter food over healthier ones.
It's a sub-conscious thing....dun ask me.

Love the tablewares here....alwiz so pretty and immaculate
years back, I have this habit of turning the plates around to check its brandname.
Not that I'm a brand freak *or maybe I am* but I wanna buy similar ones and to get more info of the products, u gotta check them out right?

Anyway, buying tablewares in this part of the world proved to dry my pocket pretty easily...and to shop @ Harrod's London is pretty manic coz everything is so cheap. So we ended up having problem to ship them back to Malaysia.

Finally we have this arrangement of buying things bit by bit, amassing a collection over the years. I guess the process of getting there is so much more fun. Eg: planning a trip, building a home, doing wine blindings.

really beautiful appetizer of Squid a la planche, served with balsamic ink and fresh crisp cucumber. It was really well executed with the charcoal burnt bits of the squid and yet maintaining its texture.

Carpaccio of scallop with horseradish, radish and dill oil
this was really really yummy and refreshing bcoz the scallop was pretty rich and it was balanced with the hit of horseradish and fresh radish. Full of flavour as well :))))))))

Chou and Alcoholic Anonymous ST
if u were wondering, nope...they are not gay partners though they looked so good together.

both of them are very much straight with beautiful wife each, and cute kids :))))))))))))

Chilled pasta with fruit tomato in tomato consomme
hello Les Amis, if u are reading this....I was pretty disappointed with this one.
I don't think they used fruit tomato???? did they? somehow the sweetness and flavour wasn't sufficient and I needed to add salt to this dish to enhance the umaminess of the tomatoes.
pasta was way too soft.

The rest agreed and conquered that they had a much better chilled pasta the last round. The same pasta but executed way way way better than this one.

While I was meddling with my chilled pasta, my tablemate Wine Shakespeare CW was having the above.....oh yummsss!!!

Free Range Japanese Hen Egg Confit, served with white truffles, Iberian Ham on the side. The entire egg was encased in this round agria potato which was fried in duck fat.

Why didn't I order this one?????
I think this is so much better than my Kindergarten Egg breakfast that I made a few days ago!!!! Hahahaha can't compare, I don't have all these ingredients!!!! Plus I am a kindergarten gal when it comes to cooking.

JS and my tablemate Wine Shakespeare CW, who's now in France...enjoying his wines.
WAHHHH next time pack all of us along!!!! we can be very good secretary, porter, driver....anything as long as we get to tag along all these wine trips.

This was a special pasta for Baby K
with so many crispy tiny japanese ebi!!!!

Bagacholic Tracie and Si Fu Lawrence
Baby K konked after chomp chomp chomping her pasta. That was easy!!!!

this was the BOMB!!!!
the bomb that I am still thinking about till today.
Char-grilled Iberian Pork served with cabbage rib and crunchy pear.

how did they make it so damn good???????????????
which cut of the pork is this?
please don't change ur lunch menu.....please maintain this dish alwiz!!!
I would kill for this!!!! seriously.....

hehehehehhehehehe don't be envious :)))))))
we don't get to have these all the time.
it's such a TREAT!!!!

Thank you to J&J James and Jelina for 2 bottles of Richebourg...
coz the first one was corked :P but luckily it was purchased at Les Amis and they replaced us a new bottle :P

so whoever that bought 4D of that bottle number?? no sound???? how???
or quietly pocketed the money??? hehehehehehehe

the final lineup of all the wines....amazing wines as usual.
I can't even conclude my favourite bcoz each has its own characteristic that I lurve.
J'adore :)))))))))))

This was the only pic I have of San Ho coz he left early.
Good to see u again mate.
oh and finally a dessert....for Baby K
obviously we weren't dessert person....all of us had 2 appetizers and 1 main from its lunch

All in all it was an amazing luncheon, that left us JJ-ing our way outta the restaurant....
thank you guys!!!!

Les Amis Restaurant,

#02-16, Shaw Centre,
1 Scotts Road,
Tel: +65 6733 2225

1 comment:

  1. even the butter looks extra good!! hahaha... and dessert and everything else.... what a lunch!
