Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Le Lion d'Or, Arcins France

a lil bistro in the middle of a tiny square. I won't even call this small piece of land - a square, coz it's only the width of this building.

we were already rushing from appointments to appointments. But something was more important in our list - lunch!!!! Our Transporter-liked Driver Thierry was reminding us that we only have got one hour to eat before the next appointment at another winemaker.

and fussy us wouldn't settle for anything simple. We wanted Food that's WORTHY of :))) well if u gonna put calories into your body it better be worth it right? guess Thierry was smacking his forehead onto the  steering wheel of his Audi A8, what difficult clienteles he's got this time. :P

and so Transporter-liked Driver Thierry voice activated his mobile and dialed the restaurant...le Lion d'Or. With his connection and throwing a few names we got ourselves a table :P :P :P
Now I am liking Thierry more and more ho ho ho ho ho ho.
seriously nothing in this world that cannot be done, it's a matter of whether u wanna do it or not.

we gate crashed the restaurant while he went to park the car, we had to throw names accordingly once we arrived to be escorted to our table.

What's the big fuss?
it's like a small lil restaurant run by a family with a few tables. But we noticed every table was occupied or at least with a reservation tent with the person's name on it. And our name has a reservation tent too....with THAT company's name....

Flatmate Amy...I really envy that u are working for this company!!!!!!
when they are opening a branch in Malaysia, lemme know...wuahahahhahahaha I wanna work for them!!! such privilege :)))))))

must be our hungry and thirsty faces :P soon after we landed our bums on its chairs, a plate of food also landed itself on our table. Plus its wine list :))))))))))

Soon we noticed all the diners were ppl working in the wine industry
and according to Transporter this is THE PLACE for the hounds

Monkey looked very very thirsty here but bcoz we've only have one hour to eat, it's pretty limited. We could only settle for main course, no appetizer, no dessert...and NO WINES!!!!
not like we can't drink, I believe we still need wines to go with our main course...but leader of the pack Mr. JS said, we have so many more appointments to come with a lot of wine tasting.

but...but...but we are not driving!!!!! *pointed at Thierry* He's driving....he kenot drink!!!!
"Thierry!!! vous pouvez ne pas boire!!!!!"
Thierry : -_-" d'accord!!!! Je sais......:"((

le Lion d'Or is famous of regional cuisine. Here was a perfectly grilled lamb....
not just any lamb but Pauillac lamb. It's a delicacy here in Bordeaux, with its juicy and tender meat.

these lambs fed on the marshes left over after the grape harvest....they fed on grand cru grapes!!!!!
the lambs also only suckle on their mother's milk, hence u'll notice the meat is so light in color.

and Monkey had a oh-my-gawd......
it was the best roasted pigeon I ever had!!! thanks to recommendations fr Thierry.
OMG...so good...lip smacking!!!!
it was wood-roastaed with nothing else but its own juice.

and I finished the entire pigeon on my own
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :))))))))))))
oh yumsssss....wished I could "tapao" some home to hotel for supper....kekekekekekekeke. But again we were rushing for time...

each main course came with a simple animal fat fried potatoes
their potatoes are really good bcoz it has a very yummy potato-ish smell, esp after being fried with animal fat, fluffy and crispy at the same time.

this place is really for meat-eater, don't expect anything green or salad-ish. Didn't I said this place concentrated on regional provincial meals????

Despite it being a rushed lunch, we can never forgo our ciggies and espresso!!!!
hahahahhaha and it must be under the beautiful spring day

thank you to transporter Thierry for bringing us here...totally worth the rush!!! If u are around Margaux, do go to the village of Arcins for this yummy lunch. :))))

Le Lion d'Or
Place de la Republique,
33460 Arcins,

Tel: +33 05 5658 9679


  1. the pigeons look so awesome! I would polish off that whole plate myself too... lol

  2. hahaha I am pretty sure coz it isn't that "big"
