Tuesday, June 11, 2013

L'Envers du Decor, Saint-Emilion France

We were in the historical city of Saint-Emilion
this city is really really old, all of its building were medieval or much much older *pre-historic*

Located about 35km from Bordeaux, it's convenient and easy to do a day trip here. It was a really really extremely lovely day, the Sun was out...and we were happy ppl esp when it comes to exploring new places.

Saint-Emilion is a World Heritage and listed under UNESCO. The town has got narrow streets and alleys with really steep steps at times. I thought I couldn't make it down their steep streets but I did!!!! without falling!!!! hooraaay!!! I'm a clumsy gal u know...so scaling these dangerous streets without making a flat fool of myself...I'm proud LOL!!!!!

Dearie JS, where's the pic of me walking up the steep streets like an old lady???? hahahaha I need to post it here...dunno why I like to post unflattering pics of meself :P

Monkey, Prince C and I Ching stood outside the Tourism Office

When we arrived it was noon....before we can proceed to do anything else...Prince C was complaining his stomach klug klug klug....need food...and he was whining like a lil boy.

Our dearie Transporter-liked Driver Thierry then asked us to calm down....he will park his Transporter-liked car, get us our entry tickets and settle us down for lunch.

But when u are a hungry man....u are an angry man....hahahaha

5 metres fr where we stood, was this quaint lil cafe liked restaurant
L'envers du Decor translated to behind the surrounding/setting/scenery didn't sound interesting at all
it looked so touristy!!!!

our faces were in horror
Prince C was like dun care, I'm hungry let's go and eat!!!

but then again we reminded ourselves that we are in the good hands of a local here!!
our driver who's so well-verse with wines, manufacturers, producers, winemakers, companies...basically he works in this industry. Chaufeuring the CEOs, movers and shakers of this industry. JS where did you find Transporter-liked Thierry???

after we've past through the entrance, its bistro cum cafe restaurant is a beautiful courtyard
with garden tables and chairs set on chalky ground of stones with quaint white umbrellas

We think we'll make do with such beautiful scene alone!!!!
then we realised....the name of the restaurant makes sense...
this restaurant was sandwiched in between the "main" alley of the town and the Collegiate Church which was built between 12th and 15th century.

WAHHHH dining in between these historical walls never been so meaningful....
What's more we have Transporter-liked Driver Thierry who explained to us the history and all of its beautiful stories from these remnants.

The menu is so cute!!!!
it reminded me of Kindy Chai coz her handwriting is exactly like this!!!

a bottle of wine from this place - Chateau Figeac
what a surprise, the wine was really soft and elegant...unlike the normal big wines of Bordeaux. But we are still at the same region...just that we are now at the Right Bank. So this has been confirmed that we really like right bank LOL!!!!

When u are in this region, one can never miss oysters...

grown and harvested from the popular Gironde Estuary. Do u know that France is the undisputable leader producing oysters in Europe? 90% of their annual production of 145,000 metric tonnes of oysters were consumed by French in France? LOL!!!!!

The hungry looks!!!!

more like no energy look!!!

Monkey wasn't hungry so she had a fresh crab meat salad with avocados and juicy grapefruits.
it was really sweet and refreshing :)))))

the rest had juicylicious meat
it looked so home-cooked!!! The cooking style here is really rustic!!

the roasted duck with morel mushroom jus and light creme

the main course portion here is really generous and very well priced too
who would have thought? I mean nobody will just walk into this place right?

this salad was so good everyone on the table was fighting for it
tossed with fresh apple-ish green-ish extra virgin olive oil. But the BOMB was the anchovies innit!!! they were smashed together with the olive oil.

Creme brulee with loads of vanilla beans

Fresh creme with sweet spring strawberries
simple and yet so good

Lil boy was eye-ing our pretty simple dessert :))))))))

We were happy folks again after the yummylicious lunch
see wat I meant when I said we were dining among historic walls :))))))))) with cobble stoned ground.

how can one not have Canele when in Bordeaux :)))))
yummy chewy and such a delight to go with coffee :))))))))

I forgot to check if they have this table runner for sale....
it's so nice :)))

L'Envers du Decor
11 rue du Clocher,
33330 Saint-Emilion,
Tel: +33 (05) 5774 4831


  1. I had the Agneau de Pauillac(Pauillac Lamb) ......must be one of the best lamb I have ever eaten :)

  2. the looks on some faces are priceless! and yet somehow, the hungry ppl let JS take photos of the food... hehehe

  3. JS: best lamb??? fr the Pyrennes??

    Food Dreams: it's a standard practice...instead of saying prayers...need to let the camera feast on the food first :P

  4. Yes. The pauillac lamb is from the Pyrenean mountain. They roam around freely and graze on the Medoc marshes and amongst the vines after the harvest and gobble up the leftover grapes on the grapevines!
