Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Dinner @ Gattopardo, Singapore

Monkey was flipping through magazines *as usual* and saw Chef Lino Sauro's face FULL PAGE FULL COLOR in Augustman May 2013 issue....hahahaha
FPFC full page full color is one helluva coverage yea :))))

Chef Lino hailed from Sicily *oh when are we going there???* the place is known for fresh produce and beautiful olives....not to forget notorious Mafias :)))))

We've known Lino more than 5 years ago when he first landed in Singapore, working with an establishment in a 5 stars hotel. We lurve his creations and food so much that Monkey hired him to cook for JS's birthday party a few years ago
*read about it was written by the birthday boy himself....gosh how time flies*

Crispy italian breads with lotsa herbs

Chef Lino opened his own establishment - Gattopardo in 2010
ever since then, it has been our usual joint
not only that, this place holds a lot of memories for us...birthdays were celebrated here, from Baby K to many more of our friends...
and the BIG BIG BIG wedding of Flatmate Amy and GOE *Read about it here*

Amuse bouche of peas soup and a dollop of sea urchin
:)))))))) nice and sweet!!

really yummy good fresh fish tartare with generous loads of caviar
the concept at Gattopardo apart from yummy Italian goodness are its fresh produce from the Italian sea :))))))))))

oh well Chef Lino hailed from Sicily so wat do u expect? Seafood is great!!! works so well with everyone all the time.

this one u can't miss.....char-grilled squid with olive oil, salt and pepper
it must be a deep sea squid coz it was juicy and good!!! I guess when u have such fresh ingredients, u must treat it with respect too...

and so we ate with respect....

dearie Squidie...
thank you for growing up to be such a fatty
and sacrificed urself for our tummy
u were so juicy and yummy

I love u deeply~~~~~

Grilled fresh mackerels, with a squeeze of lemon
one of the best I've ever had

the dining concept here is pretty communal for our group....and we've never ordered fr its fact I hardly go through the menu. That's the beauty when u know the Chef and the Chef knows ur palate. Food just kept coming and u are rest assured of good stuffs.

all the fresh seafood and produce paired so well with our BYO champagnes.
yes I know we are alcoholics...this is indisputable
each bottle for each course
all from independent artisanal winemakers

after visiting them, I alwiz bowed low with respect and admiration for their passions and hardwork. So we drank with respect again~~~ hahahahahahhaha

Razor Clam the size of my 30cm ruler cappellini

it was so good that JS went back to Malaysia and emulated this dish - will blog about it another day.

after all the's time for MEAT now!!!!
all the hungry meat eaters were dying for this
Prosciutto ham served with cheese, anchovies and toasted sourdough

very balanced taste bcoz each element has its strength and complemented each other...
and u have to take a bite consisted of the ham, the cheese and the anchovies

Finally main course arrived - crispy roasted suckling piglet, italiano style
its skin has been basted to achieve this color

oh yums!!!! but it's a bit too sweet for me

Si Fu Lawrence said....we can have 2 more dishes...
while Keith was hugging his tummy in surrender

Si Fu Lawrence: "Wat happen to u? u giving up already? U are a young man u know??"

oh well sometimes young man needs to sleep early too u know?

Laurel and the ever smiling J&J Jelina

Laurel is expecting her 2nd baby in 2 months time and she doesn't even looked pregnant!!! she's looking really good here :))))) All of us were commenting we looked more pregnant than she does!!

Since I am still growing up *and sideways* and still hungry, Monkey ordered a house pizza
Gattopardo has the most wonderful stone oven pizza with crust and yummy toppings.
u can hear the crunch as u sink ur teeth into the crust

I'm not a dessert just tasting portion :))))))))

Si Fu Lawrence brought Father Charles for this dinner. When a Father sits on the dining table, we actually forgot to say our prayers b4 we chomp chomp chomp our food.
and of coz we had to mind our language......all the time~~~~~

I guess dining with Father Charles is so much easier than playing golf with a Father....when u can't ^&(*%)&(*%#)^&$)*%@$ esp when u shank the ball, or it went into the pond!!! u have to go...ohhhhh shhhootttttt......or...what the FISH!!!!!

Henry H our Champagne Lord and Keith who's now all eyes wide opened after his espresso
Oh well u know he's a bz man when he's carrying 2 mobiles.

Monkey with her fav champagne maker Ulysse Collin + JS
yes free advertising!!!! hahahahaha

finally our dearie Chef Lino Sauro
Thank you once again for a wonderful meal.....we left home as happy as bunnies

Gattopardo will be moving out...we don't know yet where...or will it maintain its name Gattopardo. Sigh....update us OK :))))))))
111 Canning Walk,
Fort Canning,
Singapore 178881.
Tel: +65 6338 5498


  1. eppy eppy foodies with all of the faces showing a full house... or shall I say a full stomach? hehe

    fabulous looking dinner as usual...

  2. hahahaha yes u are right. Full Stomach(s)sssssss!!!!

  3. Such a mouth watering dinner!
