Thursday, March 14, 2013

Puma Cobra Amp Cell

wow...look at the color!!!! *favourite can die!!!*
Puma Cobra just released this new Green driver...that reminds me Malaysian Open is around the week!!! WOOHOOOO!!!!

I've gave up golf 2 years ago, it's time to re-ignite my I'll need some new gadgets but JS said I don't really need any of these. It's like learning to drive with a Porsche Roadster?? Hahahah true true, indeed a very good analogy there.

This driver is equipped with My Fly Technology which lets u adjust your loft and draw settings. It's definitely handy for golfers between the mid to low handicap level. Yeah Yeah don't think they have anything for the ladies but this color sure make any golfers wanna lay their hands on it.

Only 1,800 pieces are produced worldwide out of which only 30 are sold in Malaysia. So if you must lay your hands on it...... I reckon u head down to your favourite golf shop right away. Oh wait..u need to wait till 18th March when the stocks arrive...good luck dearie golfers :)))

Mean time, I need to lay my hands on a good golf coach with limitless patience to teach me again. So where to? Saujana or KLGCC? :))))))

For more information on this limited driver, log on to:

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