Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Pressies from Niseko, Hokkaido

Single Malt Whisky of Hakushu......don't's 18 years single malt

Peakie D was supposed to join us for JS's birthday dinner last weekend, but she's away.....this woman is perpetually away and I am so so so deeply surprised that her dogs still recognised her. I really envy her job and she envied mine. Guess that the grass is greener on the other side huh??? Right now she's in Croatia -_-"

why didn't u pack me along when u left last Thursday??

anyway when she touched down from Japan the week before, she text-ed Monkey immediately.
"I am home!!! Are you in town?"
"Welcome back!!!! champagnes are waiting~~~"

when it's with Peakie D, it's alwiz business as usual. So I was instructed to pick up JS's surprise pressie by the very same evening.
"Aiks?? die die must come tonite?"
"Yes you need to transport it from my fridge to your fridge."

Oh oh oh oh oh........and we made time that very same evening with JS tagging along anxiously. Hahahahaha Birthday Boy alwiz anxious when it comes to his Birthday pressies hahahaha

Yamazaki Single Malt Whisky Royce???
oh yummsss tasted exactly like it!!!
only available in Japan.

*JS do we still have Yamazaki 18 years at home??? sometimes when I'm stressed, I really need a shot of whisky*
**when I'm stressed, and needed some drinks....all we have are wines, champagnes, wines, champagnes.....which are not ready to drink....or not worth to be opened just bcoz u are stressed.**

I have a fetish for Royce's soft chocolates....when Monkey discovered Royce back in 2001 she was so ecstatic!!!! It was back in Takashimaya in Singapore...the very first Royce shop outside Japan!!!! I remembered chomping down the whole box on my own, lips smacking with my messy fingers and lips. Sigh....didn't ur mother teach u to eat them with the tiny fork provided.....never with ur fingers!!!! I'm the most un-lady-liked person u'll ever know!!! wuahahahahaha.

Now u can get Royce in Malaysia from Isetan KLCC, Ben's Independent Shop, Empire Subang, The Gardens, Bangsar Village and Tropicana City Mall.

Peakie D was full of surprises and was so excited about this pressie
this further increased JS's anxiety
She even got her husband who's busy upstairs to come down to witness the "ceremony"

HAHAHAAHAHAHa this woman never fails to surprise me

a HUGE chunk *at least a few kilos* of Kobe Beef landed on the table right smack in front of JS's face

*sorry I'm a drama queen, my WAH is definitely more powerful than his*

Peakie D oso went AAAAHHH
the kids came over to WAHHHHH
the husband laughed hilariously at our reactions

it was really farnie!!!

Thank you so so very much Peakie D
the trouble of smuggling it in, all the way from Japan....not to mention it took up your luggage space.

U should have seen JS's face smiling ear to ear the entire evening :P
He said he'll do justice to this piece *kilos* of Kobe
okie now u better make all her trouble counts...from checking it in..making sure it's in proper freezing condition..

Then we spent about an hour yakking away on her ski-ing lesson at the beautiful mountain of Niseko. Her indulgence of Ooni until she gave up and said Cukups!!! She's the only lady I've ever known who can eat Ooni every meal every day. All the yummy food like Snow Crab Ramen. AAaahhhh......see your job is definitely better. *pouts*

"So Peakie D, what did you get for your husband from Niseko?"
"Ohhhh I got him these...."

Royce Banana?????????
I.Don't.Believe. You.

Oh by the way Royce is from Sapporo, Hokkaido as well :)))))
Thank you so so very much for the beef. U got him so so so happy. Hahahahaha.

So JS please arrange the next cookout for Peakie D and family. The kids refer our home as the Ham-House. Mommy when are we going to have dinner at Ham-House?
>.< Ham house.....ahahahahahaha just bcoz we served the best Bellota Jamon from Spain

To read more about Royce, go to the website below:


  1. I wont even try to outdo your Wahs...

    but still Wahhhhhh... damn shiok friends you have! ;)

    love Royce too a lot...awesome chocolates...
