Friday, March 01, 2013

2013 Resolutions: Watermelon, Lime, Chilli and Vodka Granitas

Monkey made this refreshing granitas for our indian cookout
really really super easy to make, you can prepare in advance and such a crowd pleaser

Put 1/2 watermelon into a food processor *u may want to cubed them first*
U can use with seed or seedless and bcoz I'm such a lazy has to be seedless alwiz :P
It was at that time, we took out JS's spanking new KitchenAid food processor in matte stainless steel out to play....hua hua hua. His food processor has been sitting in the dark corner of our cabinet for 9 months and finally it gets to see daylight!!!!

so of coz it took 2 engineers.....a civil and a financial... to set it up 
Now, neither of us are engineers at work :P

blend the watermelon till it's smooth and set it aside.
next add 4 TBSP of caster sugar into 100ml of water....and bring it to boil...optional: u can add in 1/2 tsp of finely diced red chilis to add some heat to the granitas. But I didn't add in this time around bcoz there were kids among the guests. Prollie next time I'll try the version with chilis :)))

Once the sugar has dissolved, remove from heat and add juice of 1 big lime. Then set aside to cool. Finally add into the watermelon mixture with 3 TBSP of vodka. JS said the alcohol innit is to make sure that this mixture will not freeze into a huge chunk of ice cube....hmmmm really? So it's alwiz good to have an engineer at home to explain everything to me :))))

Put the above mixture into a freezer proof container, cover and freeze for 4-5 hours. Before serving the granitas, use a form to break up the ice crystals.....if u are not able to break them up, just put it into a food processor and pulse it for a bit....but really it's so easy u don't even have to do this step....a medieval tool like a fork worked perfectly for me.

Spoon them into a glass bowl or watever pretty glasswares u have...Monkey used a margarita glass :P. zest some lime and topped it with mint leaves. 

Enjoy :)))))
such a yummy thirst quencher as well. My guests were asking for 2nd and 3rd helpings on that day :))
Read about the indian cookout when this yummy granitas was served *here*


  1. Yup, I had multiple helpings!

  2. How was your granitas Nee Lee? Did u add vodka and chili?
