Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Stealth Mode

Eppy Monkey with yummy food and great wine
and a very very jovial Star Balloon hahahahaha

last week was a stressful one for me.....juggling work, events, appointments, meetings, my social life...hey I still have a great social life OK, I think too active and fast kinda social life I need to be a hermit sometimes. Thank goodness I dun have a pet at home, coz it will not recognise me anymore.

the moment Monkey touched down in Changi Airport...the 1st message I received was fr Si Fu Lawrence
"Stealth Mode landing eh?"

Yes when it's a work-trip, I usually dun let ppl know I'm in town
coz it's impossible to meet up, and Monkey got invited for a simple home cooked dinner....

hehehehehehe he dangled a carrot like this I had to come....
Griotte Chambertin!!!! so soft and elegant...such an understated bottle :))))))
we finished a bottle between the 2, leaving Jeremy thirsty. He's spending summer holiday in Asia.

"Jeremy, how old are u? Can u even drink???"
"I'm 18......"
"Lawwwreeeennnceeeeee.......wat's the drinking age in Australia????"

anyway it's hopeless asking this uncle of his....
coz the M People trained their kids to "appreciate" wines and champagnes since they were in their diapers.

Home cooked glass noodle with fresh clams and loads of chilis..
no no no...I think it's home cooked chilis with glass noodles and clams...
No I changed my's home cooked chilis with chilis served with chilis in chilis reduction topped with more caramelized chilis, on a bed of freshly cut chilis

how the hell do u even eat that?

but I did...and it was fiery yummy!!!!! and addictive~~~~
luckily we finished the wine before eating...errrr me, only me...he ate in between the wines...die.

Si Fu Lawrence said I lurve pain...yeah I do...
Pain makes ur body release endorphin

The Big Princess and Lil Princess
she's alwiz this grumpy but when she's jovial.....she'll be glued to u the entire time refusing daddy. Hahahahahaha I win!!!!!

Monkey & Bionic Bonnie, the photog
she sped down to Singapore for this assignment b4 rushing back the same night for another photoshoot early next morning in KL
Thank you my lovely :)))))

Katie Kate and me, both looking really exhausted after the sit down dinner event
though it's read "sit down dinner"
neither of us had a chance to sit down nor have any dinner that nite
coz there's only the 2 of us running the whole place, we need to hire more personnel....
gosh hiring good ppl is to tough these days~~~~

So as quiet and as stealth as I arrived.....I left in stealth mode too
stealth mode is good :))))
me likey~~~~

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