Thursday, September 06, 2012

Sous Vide Machine @ home

a few weeks ago, Monkey brought JS to Euro Chef to pick up some small items like baking pans, canele moulds, and other small items for the kitchen...well the mission was to get baking stuffs.

but when we walked in, his eyes shone like the full moon, twinkling away, body froze...
gazing at a gadget
I dunno wat gadget was I left him there to continued to ogle at that weird not good looking totally uninteresting piece of errrrrrr plastic?
while I busied myself searching for my baking pans.

Once Monkey was done.....JS was already talking animatedly with the French guy who works there about some cooking technique like he's done it a gazillion time.
Feeling neglected I inched my way to listen to his conversation.
None of it I understood.....remember......I.JUST.KNOW.HOW.TO.EAT

soon the heavy uninteresting piece of plastic was lifted up to the check out counter
it looks heavy
JS offered to pay for my stuffs. I didn't have anything to buy except 2 Madeleine moulds fr France.

"I'll pay for it." said Monkey
JS: "No no I'll just settle everything plus my gadgets."
the cashier machine ka-ching an amount nearing to 8k.

Monkey quickly replied: "OK u PAY!!!"
wat the hell he bought?????
that uninteresting piece of......plastic called Sous Vide machine cost so damn much?!?!?!?!
so JS hugged it home, did a lot of readings and research for the rest of the day and didn't even realise my existence *yes I'm jealous bcoz of that stupid plastic!!!*

the next morning when I woke up on a glorious Sunday, he wasn't next to me
I continued to zzzzZZzzz and he dashed in like a lil boy who got his very first bicycle
"Breakfast in 5....get up!!!!!"
and dragged the duvet off me, pushed me up.
"Hurry, you have to be on TIME for it!!!"
Monkey was scratching her messy we have any breakfast appointment with anyone?
"Nope I'm making breakfast."
WOOOOOWWWWW Mr. JS!!!! are u on fever or there's a permanent head damage??
BREAKFAST???? hmmm that's a very first.

He sat me on the kitchen island, perched me on the high stool.
there's even table setting all ready on the bar
hmmmm what's the occasion?
he shoved me a freshly made cup of latte, the smell just lifted up my eye lids
and he walked over with 2 plates of food.... glorious smile with pride on his face

okie what is it?
"Ta-DA!!!! my very first sous-vide eggs!!!!!"
Monkey stared at it.
JS then continued to explain the processes, temperature, timing.
he cooked the eggs for one hour at 143.5*Fahrenheit

Sous Vide is a french word for under the vacuum
it's a cooking technique involving sealing your food in vacuum and put it inside a water bath of controlled temperature and cook them for longer than usual to seal in the flavours and achieve a texture which normal cooking can't.

well this is the most simplest explanation I could come up with for layman terms
I told him: "u know u can cook the same egg with the Mamak yellow color plastic which u filled it with water....when the water has finished dripping....the eggs are the same consistency as this."

OUCH....just like a slap....JS -_- and gave me the biggest frown
"taste it"
WOOOAAHHHH it has got a very different texture
the whites were just done right and soft while the yolk is sticky and gooey.
"Hmmmm this is good....very good....can I have another one plus more of those crispy bacon u've cooked."

JS frowned deeper
"Another one? u have to wait one hour."
now it's Monkey's turn to frown
"Next time make more lar!!!! so little......sob sob sob....I'm still hungry~~~~"

and for the rest of the day, Mr. JS played with his vacuum machine
watever he could find, he'll seal them
like the above, he was sealing my homemade butter cookies

"so now what? u gonna sous vide my cookies?"
"Nooo...just's so fun!!!!"
"Are those plastic bags expensive? they looked thick and of high quality."
"Oh yes they are" and continued to press some buttons to vacuum more irrelevant food items.

what the........
soon from sous-vide-ing eggs he advanced to beef
look at the consistency of the color
u can achieve medium or pink, any way u like in perfect order

a week later, I found myself at Les Amis French Restaurant's kitchen in Singapore
yes the privilege of walking into THAT kitchen
under the guidance of Chef Galvin Lim
just me and JS
we learned the art of sous vide from Chef

Sorry no pics from that private class :D
big thanks to Sommelier Timothy for arranging this :)))
now my man aka JS is really into this french technique

I wonder what is he going to sous vide for me next
whatever it stomach is alwiz ready hehehehehehehehehe

I know I'm a very luck gal
don't be jealous
*big grin*


  1. wahhhhh...... I know sous vide but I didnt know u can sous vide eggs and bacon!!

    I always see chef souse fish & meat only.... GENG JS!!

    Yes dear Cherry, You are a Very Lucky Lady!!! XD

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  3. For medium rare beef to our liking, it's 132.5 degF.

  4. This post really cracked me up! Especially the part about the cookies. So how did the sous vide cookies turn out? :) And are the machines so expensive? Is 8K in RM? Cause i've seen sous vide machines here for around 1K SGD..

  5. aahh, so this is what u get there in Eurochef. There is so many things to do with sous vide, lucky you cherry. time to get more gadgets!!

  6. Food Dreams: Only the eggs were sous-vide-ed. The bacons were just normal fried/baked bacons :D

    Arlin: Hello there. The cookies weren't sous vide at all. JS was just practicing his vacuum-pack skills and used the cookies as experiment. 8K = total for the sous vide machine, vacuum pack machine and all peripherals. You can get sous vide machine from industrial wholesale - Sia Huat in Chinatown. It's about SGD 2.5k. Prices varies depending on model and make.

    Christine: heheheh yes...such a poisonous place u've introduced to us...hahahaha

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