Friday, September 07, 2012

Away for work..... yes throughout the weekend.. But as always, I'm gonna enjoy every bit of it. :)))) U folks have a great weekend too yea :))))))


  1. wow... I was always scare to make Canele cos off all the precise temperature and stuff! So now I can salute to you too Cherry...

    love to eat them but hard to get here in KL.. only a very few bakerys or patisseries has this. Wanna sell some of yrs to me? wink...

  2. Hello Food Dreams,

    I think this comment was meant for the Canele posting....JS was the one who blogged about it and he proudly made the successful canele. Maybe both of you can be friends, so you don't even have to buy any....hahaha, and yes you are right...I don't bother with canele in Malaysia...they tasted weird.

  3. Hye Food dreams :)) it's very satisfying to make caneles successfully. Thru the whole learning process, i have made observations and notes and I can share my them with you if you are interested? :))

  4. Oops... not sure how I missed that its made by JS... sorry... :)

    thks but till I get the canele molds, I have to hold to the thoughts of making friends with JS to buy from him or get my hands on some from him... muahaha... btw.. where can you buy beeswax here??

    JS, adding another brilliant talent to your portfolio!! salute!!

  5. Haha. I got 1.5 kg of beeswax. The way I am baking canele(very frequent) I can still probably use it for >10years!! If you need some you know who to ask from :)
    On the subject of canele moulds.....stik to copper(tin lined) ones cos the silicone ones can be a very frustrating to use.

  6. Hahaha too much of wax, u can open a canele shop in Msia. Hahahahaha.

    Anyhow sharing is caring so please do....
