Friday, July 15, 2011

Gathering with Kindy Chai

FAT pizza for FAT ppl like us :P
yes we are FAT at heart kekekekekeke with lotsa FAT FAT LOVE

it's not very often we managed to gather so many of us and rolled out the red carpet for Kindy Chai
she comes back prollie once and if lucky twice a year fr the States
or even luckier if she de-toured fr her Japan meetings and make pit stops in Msia 
thank u for making efforts to see us :)))))

Mommy Connie, Mommy Carol, Su San, Chan Lu
these days, everyone has got busy schedule...
they are all now CFO, CMO, COO of huge ass companies :P
while Monkey is still a CEO only....Chief Entertainment Officer

Nasi Kerabu looks so yummy!!! and sure tasted like one :))))))))))

Alexis is one of the best place to hang out with variety of food to cater to everyone's preference
East meets West
from pasta to fried bee hoon
steaks to nasi ayam

Pasta Marinara
I prefer mine spicier
anyway we ordered so much food to share :P
really tam chiak.

Beef lasagne
hmmm maybe one day.....just one day I should attempt to make this :)))))))))))))
akan datang dalam seribu tahun

Mee Siam Msian style
the Spore style is served with "soup"
Malacca style is served with gravy
think Malacca style is still the best of the lot
while I had Laksa Sarawak which was recommended by Sage Fendi

must be too spicy and drown it with lotsa Lychee Martinis
tummy must b churning after that with all the East Meets West food and drinks

Ass Kickin Vonne, u dun talk talk only ok....
I just found the last posting of us having dinner with Kindy Chai last year and u mentioned that we should do a cookout outside somewhere or do some outdoor activities....
so this round of Janda Baik u must plan....
*refer old posting with evidence here*

Shell Shell joined us at the very last minute :)))
Thanks for coming babe!!!!
Kindy Chai my kindergarten friend :)))))))))))))
even though we are no longer in our lolly dresses drawing cute fat flowers with crayons, with even cuter and fatter fingers *kekekekekkeke*
I'll still treat u like a lil 5 year-old gal :))
and lurve u as much as hell

sweet dinner with SWEETER ppl must have sweet ending
Strawberries Pavlova
 Tiramisu served with Berries compote that looked like chili sauce hahahahahaha
Bread pudding
All pics were stolen fr Kindy Chai's camera :D
All of us :))))))))))))))))
after all the food *burped*

and then everyone back to their own way from Tokyo to the States to Melbourne
while Monkey is still in Msia playing CEO :)))))))))))))
okie let's put more pressure on Ass Kickin Vonne
Janda Baik Janda Baik Janda Baik
dun make me peel onions can already ok? this one ask Chan Lu to do...she has got experience

hehehehheheheh great outing with u ladies
and we shall look fwd to the next one :))))))))


  1. To my dearest CEO :P and friend for the longest time ever :)

    Awesome time indeed..great food, great company..wonderful meet up. hopefully we'll go makan2 at your house or trip somewhere next :)

    PS: Yvonne - Janda Baik! Janda Baik (pressure...), cepat2 plan ah..otherwise yen ching mogok again!

  2. hahahahah yes MOGOK!!!!!!
    next time u must come back with a list of wat-u-wanna-eat/do
