Thursday, July 14, 2011

Berr went dating.....:)))))))

Berr went Karaoke for the first time
and his date mate who's identity must be kept here *ahem*
both comfy on my Bottega Veneta Cabat :))))))))))))

gawd this posting was fr May 2011 and I better post it now
before the next outing is here :P
Berr snuggling with his date and sleepy Monkey whom just woke up and rushed to the venue
and I almost forgot him, came back for him and dashed out again :P
don't know why even my weekends are so packed and full
hello there :)))))))))))) dun be shy now
while these two were snuggly, we the adults were bz chomping and singing away :P

all pics stolen fr Nee Lee's camera coz I didn't bring mine :P
thanks yea hehehehehehe
and since Nee Lee was the photog not many pics of her

the MAY babies :)
Nee Lee & Mee Mee bought us a yummy cake!!!!

Shell Shell got a huge and sentimental wedding photo album
so she can now document her journey with Huei :))))))))
apa macam? done already? I wanna see ur album soon

my birthday pressie!!!!
look at the shock of my face - SCRABBLE????
who play scrabble in this format these days anyway???
I played my on the iPhone

that proved to b wrong coz it was a fake pressie :P
teaser only....kekekekeke
I'm a sucker for Tupperware products :P
Thank u ROOMIES!!!!
and they also got me a lovely Evita Peroni hair clip :)))))))))))
hmmmm for a while I was a Barbie Doll for them to play with

kena asked to posed :P
and they specifically wanted side profile
ok lar for u all only

oh thank u thank u thank u thank u
Monkey & Shell
so I supposed the adults had more fun than Berr
hence I should change the subject of this post to Roomies dating :P

Thank u in advance to Shell Shell for arranging our next trip
:))))))))))))))) heeeeeeeeeeeeeee
can't wait....
but before that we need to sync our......calendars


  1. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Cherry; I must say that u look very sweet & lovely here...
    Btw; the hair clip matches you well! =)

  2. Hi Melissa....hahaha thank u. Everyday must be sweet and lovely coz we r not getting younger as day passes by :P

  3. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Haha...Yes indeed. And do u noticed that when ppl were younger..they dressed when they gets older...they dressed more bubbly...*that goes to me as well* ^^
