Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Baby Wei's very-Early-Bday Celebration

 Mommy Jacky, Monkey and Bday gal Baby Wei

our schedules were so super hectic we had to arrange this celebration like weeks ahead
so it was a very very very VERY EARLY BIRTHDAY celebration
and indeed Bday gal has got a surprise coz we just told her...."well it's just another simple dinner"
and by 6pm sharp on a Friday NITE *or evening should I say* she was whisked to this joint - KARAOKE
Chocolate Cream cheesecake fr Miki Ojisan No Mise
wat a long long name....they are famous for this Cream Cheese Cake!!!!
only at Isetan
now....let's count the candles...well she's so young dunnit to count....
Caricature of Baby Wei....pic taken years back when she dorn a fashionable black frame spec
well she has got perfect eyesight....but earns to be a specky :P
next time wear sunnies lar...
OK u r no longer a lil gal now....but sorry we'll still continue to treat u like one
protecting u fr all the malicious human being out there....
her birthday pressie....look at that FACE
so epic....
u know why??? coz that PARTICULAR BOX all of us have grown to love/hate
well we have love/hate relationship with it
any box that tagged stamped labelled that way

coz it's related to work
esp when day in day out u handle and see and smell and touch boxes like those in different size
the one she's holding was a small one
she really wanted to CRY
"WAT??? I've been working for years and this is wat I've got??? more work???"
"and this box!!!!! GAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"pls stop it............NOW WHERE'S MY REAL PRESSIE??????"
demanded Baby Wei
"it's inside the box...just open it!!!!"
her boh-song face...coz she must be wondering wat can we hide inside that tiny box...
first of all a beautiful CARD with a pop-up FISH
Wei Wei the Mermaid wuahahaha now u got a new nick liao
when she opened the next card she almost cried
I dunno she wanna cry in JOY or cry in exasperation :P
but she was speechless and covered her face for the next 30 seconds....
we didn't know to offer tissue or whack her face with a mug :P
all her Birthday pressies aka CARDS
one of the polaroid picture was blanko due to privacy.....-_-
these days....tsk tsk...watever u post on the blog is so dangerous and bound to receive consequences

and her ACTUAL pressie was....
Cambridge Satchel in RED
so pretty!!!! *I oso want one now*

since it's handmade all the way fr London and was pre-ordered
we had to wait 30 days for this...
very sorry yea Baby Wei...
if u wanna screw/bomb ppl pls call them...I'll give u their number and email kekekekee

Lots of LOVE from all of us here :)))))))))

Pressie from:


  1. Cherry ... look what you have done .. I just ordered the vintage one in brown ... i have been searching for something like this for longgg time liao .. finally found it. Thanks for the tip! Anyway, did it arrive on time within 30 days as stated or took longer?

  2. Lianne: hahaha dun lar blame me :P Wat color u got? which size? I m oso contemplating to get one :P

    errr I ordered like 2.5 weeks ago so I guess it's still swimming its way to Malaysia :P

  3. Another bag?? >:-l

  4. hehe dun blame you blame who la ... must tell hubby name also mah .. and your name sound so sweet and it is his favourite fruit some more .. okayla, can la can la hahhaha ... i now found some distributor in germany which i can pick up on the spot, or deliver within 2 days. feel like cancelling the order from uk ah, sooo long have to wait ... i got the boring colour la .. vintage brown .. coz my clothes all very boring colour ah, germany mah ... but the others look soo good! how? I got the small one only la .. can sling around during autumn and winter, easier to manage ah .. you leh? which one you got?

  5. Lianne: Wow can pick on the spot???? even better!!!! but then u already paid for the one fr UK?

    Brown is so german, from shoes to belts to bags...kekekekekek

    I haven't click on and swipe my credit card for one yet...coz promised JS no more handbags till end of the year (maybe I'll buy 10 by then)

    JS: I didn't BUY I SWEAR!!!!
