Thursday, July 21, 2011

Baby Rheanna's Baptism Partay!!!

All pics were stolen from Hot Mama Thevi's camera(s)
Thank you yea :)))))

Last Sunday was the christening of Baby Rheanna :))))
the ceremony was followed by a partay at the Ramalingam's residence around noon.
so most of us sleepy heads only attended the party
Daddy Stuey and his precious Baby Rheanna
she's sooooo darn adorable
look at the tiny feet!!!!! arghhhh I wanna pinch her everywhere

one for the memory - Baby Rheanna Jayne Ramalingam
she's just 5 months old....

at first I can't decide if Baby Rheanna looks more like Mommy or Daddy
I guess she has the best of both
Thevi, u know she's gonna be a heart breaker???

she's perpetually SMILING!!!!
did u all feed her with eppy pills or something?
shooooooooooooo I wanna pinch her now!!!!

Hot Mama Thevi and Baby Aiden
he's no longer a big boy already :))))
such a pretty cake...and it was yummy too!!!!
Butter cake with lots of royal icing
inspired me to bake butter cake that very same evening :P
*ok ok ok I promise that I will blog about my 1st butter cake someday :P*
ehhhh who made this? I didn't get to eat this!!!!
guess I was too busy stuffing my face with grilled lamb and satays :P

Sharoness & Beautiful CS
the new BFF :))))

okie we better do another dinner before u head home to London :)))
yes London is ur home now.
 Sexay Back Maggie, Monkey & Devigaga

Monkey stared at Devigaga
"Woi woman!!! how much u drank last nite??? u looked......looked....hmmmmm"
Devigaga: "think I'm getting old......only 2 carlsberg."

"u mean 2 barrels of carlsberg?"
knowing her....2 is nothing.....but guess she was just burnt from work
pat pat Devigaga....u need a holiday!!!!! and more drinks of coz :P

Sexay Back Maggie has got a really cute dress with doughnuts, candies, cakes, lollipops
and as usual an open back that earned her the title sexay back
the newlyweds - Macho Mani & Sweet Devil Rachel
they came later and I missed them
coz this Monkey has got to rush to the airport

eh u gotta tell me about your honeymoon yea
Daddy Stuey & Hot Mama Thevi thank you for having us and it was an awesome party & great food!!!!
I think the adults had more fun than the kids kekekkekekeke
can't wait for our next cookout - when when when???


  1. Babes! It was a trifle. It was placed outside and was gone very quickly! LOL! My sister, Saras made the buttercake for it's layers and I assembled it!

    Will make it for our next makan makan! ;-)

  2. Pity I wasn't there :)

  3. Hot Mama Thevi: I think it must have been awesome coz I dun see it anymore by the time I got into the buffet line. Yes u plan our makan-makan yea.

    JS: yes u missed out BIG time :P
