Thursday, June 09, 2011

Mak's Noodle, Hong Kong

we touched down with hungry stomach(sssss)....kekekekekke
and were very glad that the new bridge connecting HKIA and TST was ready
so journey was further cut short and we dun have to crammed together with the traffic near to Port of HK that's hustling and bustling busy. Afterall it is the WAS the world's busiest seaport, now this title has been taken over by Port of Shanghai.
Last year when we were in Hong Kong, this bridge was still under construction
all of us were so mesmerized by its engineering of cable bridge and structure.
as our lips were "waaaah wahhhh wing" the tummies were kluuuu kluuuu-ing
heeeeeeeeeeee we flew economy this round and as alwiz food sucks :P
after checking into our lovely hotel which was like steps away fr everything else in TST
we zoomed straight to the Ferry Terminal
hey wait for us!!!!!!! we wanna cross over!!!!
u really have to kow-tow us...despite tummies playing symphony no. 5
we still have the energy to take all these efforts to go so far to eat...
coz we gonna have the indisputable WAN TAN NOODLE in the whole of HK
hiak hiak hiak
weather was lovely at 28 degree celcius
with plenty of wind....well at least it is not HUMID
group picca!!!!! minus Baby Wei, she was too busy snapping pics with Sab
everyone in their sunnies........hehehehehe
goodbye TST...well for the time being
My boss said he looked a bit like George Clooney
"PUI!!!!!!!" well u can see it fr my expression :P
yea I know we damn hungry still can joke around
but fr experience I know a Hungry Man is an Angry Man
u think so? hehehehehe

and then we were HERE!!!!!
waahhh so eppy!!!!!!!!
it was already 4 pm so the crowd at Mak's Noodle died down so much already
no more queues outside

the boss was pretty friendly and helpful and accommodate our nuisance behavior :P
~_~ well when we r together off office hours we can be hooligans and barbarians
crystal clear crunchy prawns wan tan!!!!
yea very crunchy and sweet and silky smooth wan tan skin
its broth was the key....secret ingredients :P
and the noodle that has got such amazing texture
can't get enuff man!!!!
I WANT THIS NOW!!!! arghhhhhhhhh grrrrRRRRrrrrrrrrrr
Shrimp Roe with abalone noodle in oyster sauce

we lurve har ji meen so much that we hand carried some back...
now it's stashed neatly inside the fridge like some Indiana Jones treasure
and only JS has got the key to open it and cook em
T_T so precious.....
the other things that he locked are his cameras and lenses and wines of coz
crunchy greens - Hong Kong Kai Lan
it was so green we suspected they dyed it with dark green color
kekekeke but definitely impossible!!!!
soft tenderly braised beef tendon and its meat
super yum!!!!!! YUM YUM YUM
so now who wants Wan Tan Mee???
ME me ME ME ME me me Me Me

read bout our visit last year *here*

Mak's Noodle,
77 Wellington Street,
Central Hong Kong,
Tel: +852 2584 3810


  1. yeah. I was there 1 month back. Very spongy noodles. Super nice to slurp slurp.

  2. AHTK: yea best noodle ever huh? We also bought some har ji meen back fr a market in HK Island. Can never ever get bored over it. How r u? :)
