Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Soo Kee, Jalan Imbi

GOE & Monkey were the most jovial of the lot when it comes to food
JS didn't believe it...after our yummy dinner at Cilantro *Read bout it here*
we were craving for SUPPER :P and precisely we wanted beef noodle at this place

He was already waving his white flag at the restaurant an hour earlier
guess Chef Takashi & team would have slapped their foreheads too *piak*
perhaps next time we should ask the whole kitchen team to join us for supper
Soo Kee has been in operation for generation
so the standard has been quite well maintained I must say
this is still the place to be for Sang Har Mee aka Prawn Noodle
Lady Boss was cooking for us that nite
not very often u see her in action :D
and she speaks perfect ENGLISH
Birthday Boy and I-Ching...
she brought extra clothes to change fr her earlier dress
shows we WERE SO PREPARED for supper

the rest of the ladies just tottered there in their 5 inches heels and pretty dresses'
Lady Boss and team were so shocked to see us...coz they were about to close.
even the Durian Stall opposite was closed...otherwise we would have feasted that for Supper's Dessert
errr is there such thing as Supper's dessert????
the key to this place was "breathe of fire" aka wok hei
strong fire emitted fr its stoves create such aroma to all its food
the above was just a simple fried kangkung with pounded dried shrimps and belacan with some extra spicy green chili padis
Chinese chives fried with caramelised Falopian Tube fr the pig
Flatmate Amy was a bit skeptical but after trying one piece..."hmmm not bad"
yes it was in fact delicious with its crunchy texture
much nicer than intestine lar
super caramelised Bittergourd with fermented back beans
very very very very good~~~~~~~~ though it was bitter like hell
ahhhh the star of the nite.....Prawn Noodle
its gravy were concocted fr its juicy head....the head almost the size of my fist
the noodle were of those thin crunchy egg noodle type.....and it was cooked to such crispiness
oh yum!!!! almost like eating MAMEE kekekekekke
the other star was Beef Noodle
thinly sliced beef were tenderised with raw papaya juice
definitely another favourite :))))))))))))))))))
a simple everyday fish and very well executed
Cantonese yin yang fry - sorry, direct translation
basically it's deep fried meehoon with caramelised kuey teow then later combined in pork gravy thickened with eggs, mixed with pork & its spare parts, seafood and vege
true comfort food Msian Chinese style :D
every type of dishes has got 2 sets for the 12 of us minus JS who doesn't take supper
he's a very well discplined man...
since he's not eating, he was busy photographing and talking to Lady Boss
Later.....the Men had to walk around to "digest" the food....
Mates, standing around hugging ur tummy not gonna help..
that's so UN-GLAM...pls come back and sit with us....

I wouldn't stand there in my Louboutin or watever ton...
never know if a car drives up and ask..."how much?"
remember we are at Imbi ok????

Soo Kee Restaurant
No. 14, Jalan Medan Imbi,
55100 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: +603 2148 1324


  1. yum yum yum...thank you for bringing me to this place during my last trip ;)

  2. Kindy Chai: U r most welcome :)) Yes one of my favourite place for chinese food :))))))))))

  3. Soo Kee's definitely an old favourite with many.. the consistent quality of food helps. :)

  4. Kenny: Hello...TQ for dropping by. Yes this place never disappoints!!!

  5. this is truly a food expedition, cravingly awesome!

  6. Hello Sidney..yea u r rite...I m now craving for the noodles :P
