Monday, January 03, 2011

Disneyland Park, Paris

The best way to reach Disneyland Park Paris is via RER train directly fr the city......
just remember to hop onto the correct line and it's about 40 minutes journey
Disneyland is open from 9am on high season and 10am at other time

so we took the correct train at the most optimum timing so we'll reach there just in time
anyhow we got our tickets online, got it printed no queue...just barge in at the barcode scan
yeah the Park just opened its door once we arrived and all the kiddos were running WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
to their favourite disney characters for photoshoot and autograph
JS ran to Ratatouille coz that's the only Disney character he knows *I think*
hehehehehhe....all kids actually brought their own colorful autograph book
he's smiling there :D
do u need a map? yeah trust me u do!!!!!!
this place is HUGE!!!!!!!!
Main Street USA was built small town America style with traffics, rail cars, wagons and vintage transport
they event has got a TOWN SQUARE
most restaurants and retail outlets are here

- Light Buzzyear Laser Blast *must do*
- Star Tours *must do*
- Space Mountain *die die must try*
- Honey, I shrunk the audience
- Autopia
- Orbitron

- Peter Pan's Flight *very interesting*
- Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs
- Pinnochio's Fantastic Journey
- Dumbo the flying elephant
- Mad Hatter's Teacups
- Alice's curious labyrinth
- it's a small world
- Casey Jr le petit train du cirque
- le pays des contes des fees

- Indiana Jones & the Temple of Peril *360 degrees loop & steep drops*
- Adventure Isle
- La cabane des Robinson
- Pirates of the Caribbean *boat ride underground*

- Phantom Manor *must do*
- Rivers of the Far West
- Big Thunder Mountain *must must must*
- Pocahontas Indian Village
Space Mountain!!!!! that launches u to SPACE!!!!!
look at the smoke...this pic was stolen fr someone's blog coz we didn't take pic of this
scary g-force ride!!!!
Light Buzzyear here we come....
in this ride u get to maneuver your car 360
while busy shooting all the aliens!!!!!!
it wasn't easy at first bcoz u are moving and turning
*piung piung piung*
and when u managed to hit the target with ur laser will blink up with the scores on ur cart
and there's a short moment of laser lights blinking away on ur target
sorry I'm not a Star Wards fan
but the simulation ride was fun....
the laydee in front of me was screaming her head off
eh come on....we were just riding the space ship over asteroids hitting targets
and being hit
u like my new flirt mobile? wished they have fuchsia colors
vroom vroooooooooommmm
they run on petrol though
the weather was lovely with SUN
yes we needed the SUN
but with thick snow fr the day before

as we walked under the trees....the snow melted and dripped unto us
we thought it was raining
he has got no winter wear....very cold~~~~~
a beautiful and PERFECT xmas tress
perfect as in Cone shape
and yes it's a REAL tree
I've touched and smelled it
we chugged away with this steam engine river boat
with its fully uniformed crew....
we felt we were transformed back to the 20's
"all onboard"
"aye captain!!!!"
Dumbo the Flying Elephant!!!!
it was still closed then due to ice/snow
and later reopen in the afternoon with super long queue
of babies and toddlers and parents
I've never seen so many BABY PRAMS parked on the sidewalk
it felt like China with all the bicycles!!!! hahahahahha
another water ride - It's a small world afterall
a slow but entertaining ride with all the dolls dancing and singing to the musical song
Main Street by nite
there was a 40 minutes parade which was so beautiful and mesmerizing
we forgot to snap pic
all the Disney characters were waving at us in that ever sparkling white teeth smiles~~~~
I think by the end of the parade....Cinderella Snow White and their respective prince would have muscle ache on the jaw
Land where dreams come true.....hehehe
so many pics will only upload important ones :)))))))))

we went to 2 parks in a day and managed to ride all the targeted + scary rides
will post bout Walt Disney Studio Park on another day


  1. no fireworks? usually there is at the end of the day.

    did JS get cooking secrets from Remy from Ratatouille? hehhe

  2. Kindy Chai: oh yes there was fireworks but we were at Walt Disney Studio - the other side...basically we were everywhere lar...trying to squeeze 2 parks in a day really keng!!!

    errr dun think he even get to touch him....the mobs of kiddos were scary!!!!
