Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Cooking up a storm

I Ching, JS and J&J Jelina
all busy learning how to cook fr JS
think they were making souffle then

Spore gang flew in for a few days of makan spree in Msia
fr Bak Kut Teh to Beggar's chicken
and the famous chili pan mee
these ppl can never underestimate and alwiz prepare extra food
and store more ingredients at home

so just in case, can whip up anything if anyone wanna eat mum mum
 outta blue, they wanna have tom yum goong nam sai
the one without the chili paste so it is a clear soup tom yum
J&J James and Jelina + I Ching
all the Chili Queens and King
in fact this gang can damn eat chilis

and guess wat? we ran out of chili that evening
so every single piece of chili padi was like a precious lil gem
and outta the blue, they decided to make fresh pasta
from scratch...with free range eggs
and cooked it with sweet prawns, basil and tomatoes
Monkey joined the gang after work
sorry lar I didn't help out to prepare
impromptu kinda salad....dumped everything u have in the fridge
and create something with flavours, colors and texture
I dunno wat were they doin :P
but super intense..
Munchy bought a Brunello which was surprisingly amazingly incredibly good
and he has got only 2 bottles
thanks for sharing mate :)
Pasta cooked with nduja Monteporro
a type of sausage cum salami cum I dunno wat
smuggled in from Italy...coz u kenot export this out

to add to the extra flavour and crisp 
they toasted some japanese shrimp
everyone insisted on fried rice
so a simple one with kampung chick eggs
roasted angus beef
 its protein reduced with french mustard and some shoyu
since they were still hungry, JS made another one
japanese somen with self made XO sauce
Si Fu was busy cooking and washing
thank u yea :D
how can Si Fu wash.....underdog must wash!!!!
they went shopping for groceries together and saw this
aaaaawwWWWWwwwww I lurve it!!!!!!!!
Banana souffle served with Chunky Monkey *banana ice cream*
the ladies learnt this fr Mr. JS
really fail good luck and let us know the results after ur first attempt yea :)
some of the grand cru cheese we brought back fr France
the crowd lurve the hard cheese
if only we have figs and grapes :P
however fruit cake oso can.....they whacked it tat way -_-
TH and family joined us after their BKT dinner
and he brought another 2 more bottles
hua hua hua!!!!!
let's plan another makan trip in Msia ok :)))
Munchy & Si Fu
gay partners for the nite :P
line up of the nite.....
last minute TH wanted cognac to "rinse" his palate before he called it a nite
Hennessy courtesy of Prince C
looks familiar?
husband and wife have got same posture
everyone lazed around hugging their stomachs
while Monkey "serenaded" them with some noise pollution

ok ppl I promised u next time I will play a proper song

had such a great time
we should do this more often
coz without u all......we are deprived and very very thirsty........

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