Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Lu Ai & Su San's Birthday

beautiful sunset huh? :))))))
we already put the "snowflakes" lights out on the balcony
wow it's already December......
2010 is almost gone >_<
some lights on the mirror to give it a festive mode :P
2 weekends ago we celebrated 2 important birthdays....stretched almost a month apart
well wat to do...these days everyone is so busy and ain't easy to arrange a day where everyone can just sit down, have dinner and spend time together
Monkey bought partay packs....
it's very christmassy....but hey everyday is a celebration
I knew my friends are soooo gonna strangle me...coz I made them wear it
and snap pic
and post it on my blog
starter of deep fried prawn paste on bread
forgot to snap pic of its Thai dip
Lu Ai, Connie & Carol
I can't see me eyes.....
but lotsa wrinkles....these few weeks had been a stressful one
physically & mentally & emotionally
I'll check for white hair later....kekekekee
aragula salad with balsamic + grapes
pssttt dearie friends...u all just wanted the other recipe not this one right?
I bought 2 packs of aragula...but like so lil only....
thank gawd this one was enuff to feed everyone.....:))))
and I made everyone....... hehehehehehehehehe.....
Connie & Su San
the lady killers fr Shinjuku
and for once we bcame ninjas....
good to let ur hair down sometimes :P
Carol & Lu Ai
and Monkey styled them in mis-matched colors :P
I have a feeling that I'll be receiving calls/SMS asking for pics to be removed later :D
Cherry Tomatoes, Garlic and sauteed prawns pasta
U like the plate? it's so Sicilian
only at Maxwell & Williams
grilled Wagyu Beef
u have the medium part, the chunky sweet juicy bone and the medium done bits
different variety to cater to different palate.
served with ponzu sauce....which I forgot to snap pic :P
this piece of meat was done to perfection.....yum yum

Ass Kickin Vonne, u missed this!!!!!!
and we finished the whole rib bone + meat
JS was amazed :P
Yes we all can really eat so u should be shows that we enjoy ur food :D
wagyu fat fried rice...yeah all the fats collected during the grilling process......were used to fry rice
despite everyone being stuffed....we whacked it all done :D
his Tarte Tartine got better and practice makes perfect :))))
I suspect it was not enuff lar......*smack lips*
next time make one tarte tartine for each person.....
sharing is alwiz ain't enuff :D
commercial tiny cute lil cakes
everyone said this was not the yummy part of the dinner
sorry lar time I will get him to bake a u'll have a 100% perfectly yummy dinner :P
however cakes are a must have for birthdays.....symbol mar...
Lu Ai said, she made this!!!!!!
ahem more like u ATE it
group pic
birthday gals cutting their mini cakes
okie be fair...since I prepared it...I will join u all
I think we all still looked like back in Unihostel
right right right?
who's who yea?
Monkey, Carol, Su San, Lu Ai, Connie

Connie looked so exasperated....
like when can I get outta this?????

however we failed to get the chef to wear this...
eh chefs do wear hat right? and sometimes eye protection when they cook...
so u should have worn it Mr. JS!!!!!
Happy Birthday Su San & Lu Ai
sweet and best wishes to both of ya

Good luck to Su San on her new organisation
and u too Carol.....lemme know once u have settled down
Lu Ai pls arrange for another round of BKT at ur home :D
and Connie I must see ur baby next time :))))))))))


  1. Setting up a Christmas tree as well soon? ;)

  2. Too bad I missed it this time, hopefully I'm around for the next gathering and all the great delicious food! (wagyu!!!)
