Tuesday, November 30, 2010


so tired can die..............
gawd.... work really never finish huh?
after one down, more to come....popping out of nowhere

now busy strategizing and planning for April 2011 onwards
I need a career that moves slower...as in more normal
not like this......

or maybe just maybe I lurve to torture meself :P
but then again, everything is urgent
maybe coz I'm a perfectionist
aaaahhh that explains it

need to mix around with ppl who dun care less
so I'll be normal a bit
but THEN AGAIN....these are the ppl that stress me out the most

I can't change me
neither can I change u

can't switch my mind off work
everynite for years.... I dreamt of work as in me working in my dream, executing all my tasks........real tasks...
and the next morning I woke up confused...asking meself...have I done that yet...*flipped thru to do list* nope...it was just a dream

Miss Monkey, it's time...
stop being so stubborn and go seek help
u need a doctor or someone or something....I dunno wat....


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