Monday, November 08, 2010

Nee Lee's Birthday Celebration

all pics were stolen fr Nee Lee & Shell Shell coz Monkey forgot to bring hers
that particular day she couldn't even locate her mascara :P
It was Nee Lee's birthday celebration 2 weekends ago
we shall not reveal the numbers part :P kekekkekeke
lunch buffet & karaoke session
these were Nee Lee's eyes just shifted to the striking outstanding orange thingy called salted egg :P
here with Mee Mee & Teofu joining us ladies
both husband n wife sang very well esp duets :)))))))))

Shell Shell does resemble Brandy Norwood the singer right? right right????
remember the song with Monica "The Boy is Mine" :))))))))

yes we can multi task...sing, eat and cam-whore at the same time :P

highest notes for the afternoon were all hit by this duo
with excellent voice and wide vocal range
they can sing anything and everything
the ladies stopped their choir session due to work :(((
I wished both of u could just go back and utilise all the talents that u've got :))))

since Monkey can't sing *she only urrkkk arrkkk*
I just clapped along...wakakakakakakaka
think she's posing here...definitely not singing :P
watcha lookin at? never seen a man being released fr jail???
it was actually a jail break day for Teofu :))))))))))))
I can't wait to see all ur wedding pics Shell!!!!
show it to us whenever u r ready kay???
pressies and kisses time~~~~~
ang pow???
the roomies!!!!
or should it be called housie??
wat do u call a housemate?

I had so much we have time to do another round before I go off???
otherwise it would be Christmas dy.....

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