Thursday, November 04, 2010

Her World 50's Fabulous Gala

2010 marks another mileage for Her World Magazine
tell me, how many of u grew up with it...picking up copies from your dearest mummy?
well I did when I was a lil gal
and now when I'm not so lil anymore.....I dun read magazines unless it's for work
*yes my job is to sit on my desk and go through all the important magazines in the region*
**sounds fun huh? wait till u sit on this very desk**

wow didn't know Her World is 50 years old this year!!!!
and still going popular and strong :))))))))
to honor this gala event, 50 inspiring and fabulous women were nominated for a very important award
Lifetime Achievement Award where they'll receive a CORUM hehehehehehe
it's worth RM 20k plus other prizes from Lancome and Risis
and the award went to Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah...yaaayyyyy!!!!!!
Baby Wei, Monkey and Demure Nadia at the red carpet
lurve her golden YSL Mail clutch
alwiz a classic :)))

many notable guests and of coz beautiful women turned up
as alwiz...there's more amazing, beautiful, outstanding and remarkable ladies than men
in all the events I've attended
hey..come on gentlemen....pls...raise ur bar a bit can or not?
no eye candy at all T_T
of coz THEY came :)))))
she looked just as beautiful in real person
very beautiful and poised indeed
and SHE came....
Minister of Women, Family and Community Development
yes pls do continue to do more for Women Today
there's still plenty of room to grow..
okie let's not touch into politics coz I definitely can write a thesis on this.
about 350 guests were feted to 4 course dinner
food was horrible actually :P
we did a post mortem after the event with the team
and 99.99% was all bout the hotel :P
didn't know why the standard dropped so much :((((((((((
it's Hilton come on.....not HeelTon
the most enjoyable session was the 60 minutes musical by SHOUT!!!! the Mod musical
heavily preggy in yellow was Nikki, beautiful dusty blue was Tisha, Ning Baizura was all retro in orange, petite Shanel Shanty and Tria Aziz
such powerful vocals.....

they brought us down the memory lane through songs from the 60's right up to 80's
I am looking forward to their next dates of performance in KLPAC
well that is if they are still playing....:))))
Nee Lee would love this :)))
last but not least...pic wif the Tai Kor....
Happy Deepavali yea...hehhehehe

and to all the readers out there....
Happy Deepavali or Diwali
may the Festival of Lights...lights up your life your home and everything else
and thus brings happiness

will definitely be celebrating with an open house with her roomies Nee Lee, Mee Mee and Shell Shell....
gals if u wanna come in sarees oso can :P


  1. I could come in my saree but it would have fallen down to my feet before the evening is over (I'm told that's what happens if you don't know how to tie it properly :P)

  2. Nee Lee: dunnit saree lar...nanti nobody wanna focus on food anymore :P
