Monday, October 04, 2010

Wine Kakis @ DISH

Seared tuna salad with vinaigrette dressing
I don't know how to classify Dish...
it's a cafe? modern contemporary food?
I think it's more of a nice restaurant cum cafe lar...
coz it's fuss free and casual and yet serves decent fod
crab meat salad served with rucola and sweet fresh tomato sauce

Monkey joined the Gentlemen for dinner
and met TH for the first time :))))
finally we've met!!!! *yaaaayyyy*
TH brought along his other wine kakis too :)))
crab meat omelette
just wished it's creamier inside :D
is that .........
yes it is!!!! our fav knives :)))))))))))))))
off topic:
we are heading to France this year-end...
am sure JS will ta-pau tonnes of Laguiole products
hopefully the customs will just let us through with all these "terroristee" weapons :P
grilled one whole rack of lamb
it was very tender and juicy and Dish did em really well
dun need any sauce to go with it
and roast beef
we alwiz lurve our meat PINK!!!!
yeah that's a lot of meat there but when u r dining with 5's easy
lurve this pasta
coz they used Rustichella
u can get them at Delicious Ingredients which is just like 5 steps away fr Dish
in fact both of them are housed on the Ground Floor of Dua Residency
with Delicious being upstairs

yaaayyy we dun have to lug Rustichella pasta home all the way fr Singapore
yes it's one of the most expensive pasta around and it's easily accessible
when we were in Italy, there were even more expensive brands which we've never heard of
oh mind u, we lugged back pastas after pastas during last year's trip
price comparison: a normal brand San Marino is about RM 3.50 per pack
and Rustichella is about RM 22.00

trust me, the price speaks for itself...
Rustichella is made from hard fine wheat using many meticulously process to remove the bran
it was then sifted many many times to fine super fine flour
it's drying process is another long one hence its price
the results: a very porous pasta and yet extremely silky pasta that will capture all the sauce
and most importantly it has this toothsome bite OHHH YUMMMM
such artisanal perfection!!! totally worth paying 6 to 7 times for i
Malaysians!!!! now u can purchase TWG tea at Delicious Ingredients
they have a massive boutique cum cafe in ION Orchard :D
I just realised in Msia we are so deprived of so many things
baked figs in phyllo pastry
forgotten its name..sorry folks I'm not a dessert person unless it's outstanding
crepe suzettes
would be nice if they flambo it for u right before ur eyes :P
just for some showmanship :P
the wine kakis were very tamed that nite :P
2 red burg, 1 white burg and a good bordeux
my fav was the Chambolle Musigny
been drinking a lot of tat lately that its tasting nose is very very memorable
guess practice makes perfect....
Monkey can score perfect during blind tasting....only for chambolle and MSD
so folks gimme more challenge and serve others :D
petit four bcame petit deux
Al, TH, JS, Monkey, M
sorry can't put full names...
coz I was warned if I ever put their names here...
my blog will make it into the "list" by our government
highly sensitive...high profile folks :D

and there's another smart one RAN AWAY coz he didn't wanna be part of this :P
just in case he said....hahahahahaha
dun worry my blog ain't high profile...not many ppl read it :P

Ground Floor, Dua Annexe, Dua Residency,
211, Jalan Tun Razak,
Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 603 2166 2066

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