Friday, October 01, 2010

Penang Ho Chiak!!!!

We were at this last pit stop before leaving the island
Joo Hooi Cafe along Lebuh Keng Kwee, just off Penang Road.
*by the way it was a work trip, not leisure*
the famous asam laksa were fully loaded with fish in its sour spicy savoury soup

Monkey slurp-ed the whole bowl of wholesome goodness :D
lor bak here boleh tahan lar
am not a fan coz it's almost the same everywhere
just different varieties of condiments and selections
their char kuey teow was much better than "Sister's"
we had Sister's for breakfast and it was horrible
dun even deserved to be posted here

another specialty of this cafe is the Teochew cendol
just come here for the asam laksa la....
anyhow the best still has got to be at Air Itam market but then....
it's perpetually crowded and full of tourists
parking is also another problem

am craving for asam laksa now~~~~~
stomach kluuuu kluuuuuuu

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