Thursday, September 02, 2010

Kek Lok Si Temple, Penang

do u think it's RUDE to snap pic of ppl deep in prayers?
We need to learn to snap pic of ppl quick and fast
can achieve this by using zoom lense so we won't disturb their privacy

Monkey has yet to learn to do portrait :P
any volunteers out there?

anyway the above was the statue of God of Mercy aka Kuan Yin
with a newly constructed shelter over her head
do u know that Kuan Yin is actually a man?
we won't be here if it's not for Dinos the Great

"I haven't been here for ages....the last time was errrr when I was 11 :P"
Dinos the Great: "Yes now say thank you to"

Dinos the Great: "Because of me, u get to come here."
an amazing view of Penang fr here....
since all of us were so lazy *well except JS*
we drove all the way up....right to the door step
introducing Monkey and Monkey
JS and his rat
both got rat face :P hehehhehehehehe
JS = Rat = pandai cari makan
there's a koi pond with a pavilion nearby as well
gawd this place has changed so much
after scorching and basking under the afternoon sun we went to Kek Lok Si
afternoon sun is very very bad for photography
look at the steps...
nope we ain't climbing up!!!!!!!
I Ching, Prince C, Dinos the Great, Saint Veeny & Monkey
Guess who's the photog? :P
the RAT....hehehehehe


  1. Thevi9:39 AM

    Good job (Chow Faan) Iron Chef Rat-san! Love the clear blue sky in the picture! The colours are simply spectacular. LOVELY! Macam NatGeo Photog. ;-)

  2. Thank you chef Thevi for dropping by. Nowadays with adobe Photoshop and all the photo editing tools available, everybody can be a Steve mcCurry! :))
    Looking forward to the next cook up session :)

  3. Great pixs! Well, skills needed also to photoshop, something I've never mastered.

  4. Boo, try using adobe Photoshop lightroom. Much easier to use and good results. Can edit a pic in less than 5 mins :)
