Monday, May 10, 2010

Telaga Tujuh, Langkawi

We saw Telaga Tujuh on every Langkawi brochure and listed it as a must visit
telaga = wells
so we concluded it must be a hot spring....:P
but it wasn't.....very very hilarious!!!!
in order to get up needs to climb 300+ steps up to Gunung Mat Cincang
*the name is already so salah*
while purchasing ice cream and drinks at the foot of the Mountain.....we were told it's only a 10 minutes climb
WTH!!!! it was like a 30 minutes climb and we didn't stop much
aiyooo when are we gonna reach to the top??????

then we were at the top....and asked a few locals there..
where's the hot spring????
O_O and we found out the hard's a WATERFALL and not hot springs!!!
GAHGAHGAHGAH I want my free spa!!!!!
the next logical thing we looked for was...
"where's the waterfall??"
*slaps forehead*

U can actually see the andaman sea right fr here...and we were standing right at the top of the waterfall
the edge of the stones.....was the FALL
it was pretty dangerous and we didn't wanna go near it

well after all the huffing and puffing up the 300+ steps we wanna make sure it's worth it
so why do they name it Telaga instead of air terjun?
the water carved all the stones into 7 wells before leading to the main fall
guess this geographical process took thousands of years

legend has it...that the fairies came down here to frolic and bathe.
and so the 3 angels who took 30 mins to climb finally get to bathe on its icy cold water
aaaAAAaaaaa soothe my feet after all the climb....
and this is one of its "carved wells"
pretty weird...coz it's really rounded like wells with water flowing into it
and then to the next one and the next
and we actually total there were 7 wells!!!

Baby Wei wat r u doin up there???? come and join us!!!!
yes the water was REALLY REALLY ICY COLD!!!!
on a hawt hawt sunny afternoon
the water was very clear too.....
and to make our climb worth it..
we spent bout an hour here until some weird fella started snapping our pics
definitely not a safe place
not safe to climb, rocks were slippery, no proper facility
and lots of hooligans aka mat motor

supposed a visit to this place to check out its Andaman Sea view is enuff


  1. Anonymous8:17 PM

    awsome really cool.. i visited malaysia but dint go to langkawi darn... ur descriptions made me feeell like going there!!! aaaaa i wannna go!!

  2. Anonymous8:18 PM

    btw wat weird fellas started to snap ur picx and why??

  3. Hello Anonymous....thank u for dropping by at the blog. Yes u come to Malaysia again. There is so much to see and do here.

    yea it ain't fun when total stranger start snapping ur pictures with their mobile phone. No idea why :P
