Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ms. Alpine's shoes got nailed :((

Monkey & Sexay Back Maggie & ML Joanne had a sinful lunch last Friday
yummy char siew at Jalan Alor
it's the same one fr Tengkat Tongshin that shifted to the end of Jalan Alor
somehow the quality lacking compared to the stuffy dainty smelly small shoplot they had in Tengkat Tongshin

on the way back....Miss Alpine shoes let out a weird sound....for a few seconds
Monkey got worried and winded the window down to listen carefully again
Sexay Back: "Haiya u dun worry lar....you are driving a beamer ok....should there be anything wrong...it will prompt u lar!!!!"

after letting the ladies down at their designated area...true enuff...
Miss Alpine's console kept on beeping at me

Pressure Loss
Pressure Loss

yea lar...lost pressure which tyre it never tell!!!
-_-" then wat's the point!!! BMW next time u must design something that tell which tyre losing pressure lerrr!!!!!

Or was it bcoz I never pay enuff money so get less things izzit? but this is the highest spec for my series!!!
how come?!?!?!
Come this friday I will complain to the BMW team at the launch of the new 5 series
Miss Alpine must be yelping in pain
so kesian :((((((((
I thought that the whole tyre needed to be replaced....but they just need to mend it only..
heheheh only RM 30 for mending plus nitrogen injection into the wheels :)))))))))

otherwise the tyre would have cost me RM 1,800
Miss Alpine ar...your one shoe is like my one pair of Ferragamo lar....
so your 4 wheels would cost me a Louboutin plus some other pretty ones -_-
according to those Wheels specialist it's one huge NAIL
and poor JS had to help Monkey to send Miss Alpine for repair early in the morning
*coz I was managing an event last Saturday - carless*

Thank you yea Mr. JS....soli for all the trouble :)))))))))) heeeee

This tyre place called Kee Hin is famous among the car enthusiast
and they are the licensed distributor for Michelin tyres in Malaysia
JS said their services are superb and they are very very professionals
even know how to handle specific rims and remove tyre accordingly so they will not scratch it

just found out it was highly recommended by BMW Club of Malaysia and some other European made like Porsche......

Kee Hin Tyre Shop
No. 2 Jalan Telok Gadong,
Batu 3 1/2, Jalan Klang Lama,
Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 603 7982 2276


  1. Poor miss alpine!!!!!

  2. Aiks, talking abt Miss Alpine made me forget about "the best char siew on earth" (that is what me & my ex colleagues will call it cos we dunno the name). Everytime the Sporeans come over, i ask them "Do u wanna eat the best char siew on earth" ROFL!!

  3. TL: u are the tour guide for BP Singapore :P kekekekek
    seriously the best char siew on earth...u missing it?

  4. yes, kee hin is family run and they expanded from 1 shop lot to 3 shop lots in recent years!!
    very professional and definitely highly recommended :)
