Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Miu Miu Coffer

Monkey was lusting for the Medium size coffer bag
but promised herself not to go near to any Miu Miu boutique
for fear it may end up on her shoulder

so last Friday after a long tiring and sticky day handling a golf event
I arrived at the hotel with a lovely surprise
in fact I was in tears when I saw it
it came with a lovely message too :))))))
in fact JS chose the color I wanted and I never told him
somehow great minds think alike eh?
and Monkey brought it to dinner right away
Thank you JS
this is my fav bag now
*sayang sayang usap usap bag*


  1. and straight away at GOE's birthday dinner when you walked in someone shouted....wahhhHHHH, new bag ar???!!!! concllusion....somehow ladies very aware of their surroundings when it comes to bags and shoes :))

  2. lovely bag.. good choice JS.. yes we are very aware

  3. Actually more aware of bags than shoes. Say 80% in favor of bags!!
    Btw that was the last piece in this color on orchard Ed!!
