Tuesday, April 13, 2010

GOE Birthday Celebration @ Jade Palace, FORUM Singapore

GOE and hostess of the nite - Flatmate Amy
*Amy said they were both wearing lipstick....kekekekekeke*
*u sure both of u didn't kiss each other earlier??? ahem :P*

Monkey was late...but not the latest of the lot to arrive.....
rushed the event over...from morning till the evening at the golf course
and was in frantic when I couldn't get a cab....used my charm and got someone to get me a cab :P
nyek nyek nyek...

but all were lost when I was caught in the jam....
rushed to hotel....shower aka mandi kerbau...
and walked like a mad woman to FORUM in Orchard Road,
erm yes in my stilettos.
and I already missed this yummylicious deep fried squid laden with egg yolk...
I couldn't taste the squid at all.....just pure egg yolk...
and sweet JS saved 1 piece for Monkey...hehehhe TQ
crispy fried toufu
first pic with the Birthday Boy the moment I stepped into the VIP room
earlier.......outside the restaurant...
Waitress: "Hello miss, how can I help u?" *beamed me a wide smile*
Monkey: "hai....Ae-Mee ger par tee ar"

as I walked in Hongkie Ho spotted me and instructed his staffs.......
"ah.......haiyea haiyea.......Ae-Mee ger"
-_- I felt I was in HK :P
all time favourites, crispy fried frog legs *note only the legs yea* with super thinly sliced ginger
Monkey & JS
*with his usual pink eyes just like a wabbit!!!!!*
highlight and gem of the nite thanks to GOE
the world most expensive champagne collection
KRUG - Clos du Mesnil
the col: liquid gold
nose: honey suckle
palate: HEAVEN
lurve Doc's expression, forgotten wat was he saying...
but Si Fu Lawrence said, it looks like Tiger Woods sank an eagle putt :P
prollie I just put TW's pic side by side for comparison
well dun play play leh...Doc is a single handicapper :))))))))))))
*oh Monkey when are u gonna RE-START your GOLF????*
steamed Hokkaido scallop in its shell with its juice and scallions
steamed soon hock
the diff champagnes,
spot the one with a darker shade - Clos du Mesnil
suckling pig with cherries on its eye sockets.....
since there were 2 tables...each dish came 2x
so if not enuff on your table, bring your chopsticks over to the next and chiak!!!!
steamed super thin mantou to go with suckling pig
then came the carbs for all the carb-monsters
Canonite Ann Liat & Nikonian GOE
am still trying to learn how to use this lense
it's either I focus on one subject or the other...
Ann Liat taught me more the next day....thanks mate
Doc & Emily
Bagaholic Tracie & Si Fu Lawrence
new found friends: Calvin *or is it Kelvin?* & Yvonne
Laurel & Keith
YW & Joanna
J&J enterprise....well it's a brandname :))
J&J Jelina & James
birthday man tou
kei chi jelly and all time favourites durian mochis!!!!!!
birthday boy singing birthday song to himself :P
at the same time conducting the crowd
Hongkie Ho was describing something.....
it's either food....or food :))))))))))))))
Brian & GOE
*now I recalled, met Brian last year at Lawcie's wedding, izzit?*
not very often u get 3 men down on their knees for u
i felt so honored and privileged

in fact they were snapping wine & champagnes lineup of the nite
and this Monkey was on the way Ka-Kacau!!!!

Thank you again to Flatmate Amy for hosting
TQ ppl for all the amazing rare wines & champagnes
and Happy Birthday to GOE....still ermm a few more days to go huh?

Jade Palace Seafood Restaurant,
FORUM, Orchard Road,
Tel: +65 6732 6628


  1. solly guys.....i made all you guys look like a bunch of poofs cos of the "lipstik" effect after post processing.....i was editing pics with a very strong backlight(back facing window and morning sun) at my new office....my sitting position at new office not so good leh!!

  2. JS: yep lurve the col on the lips - col code = CORAL :D
