Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Hutong *One Michelin Star*

Hutong was one of the restaurant I've alwiz wanted to try
situated on the 28th Floor the sight was one to behold

Kiasu Monkey booked a table with a spectacular view like 2 months early :P
*well I had to bcoz it was PEAK season during the New Year celebration*
hehehehehehhehe and there is a minimum charge to dine here about HKD 300 = RM 150
the view alone can make me kenyang :P
the word "Hutong" sand-blasted onto the wine glass
Hutong means small lil alleys that connect courtyards
this type of alleys are usually found in Peking.
this lil bowl of "acar" was spicy!!!
oh yea forgot to inform u folks, this restaurant is of Szechuan influence
so everything is extremely SPICY
*oh YUMMO!!!!*
our beautiful starter laid on some kind of bamboo leaf
scallops topped with pomelo segments
this one was a very good combo
fresh abalone n coriander salad
surprisingly refreshing with lotsa fennels
green asparagus coated with white sesame
wow one of the best quality of white sesame I ever had :D
fillet of cod tossed with crispy fermented bean
ma la prawns fried with sichuan dried chili
the prawns were super spicy with a long length of szechuan pepper
the fillet of cod was cooked to perfection.....just cooked enuff to maintain its moist and texture
while the crispy fermented bean gave it flavour and again texture :))))
next was this warm chinese pancakes served in the bamboo container
to be served with the maincourse of..........
de-boned lamb ribs
the deboned lamb ribs is Hutong's signature dish
so it's a must try!!!!
deserve a standing ovation
Chef Calvin Yeung really did an outstanding job
spicy minced pork with string bean and dried chili
this one looked simple eh? but the taste & texture was complicated
I like!!!!!
cute holder for toothpick
Chef Calvin is also a self taught designer
hence he put a lot of thoughts and efforts into his restaurant
forgot to snap more pics but the restaurant is like an old China housed inside a glass + s/steel structure in a concrete jungle aka Hong Kong
we had a white burgundy to go with all the szechuan peppers
dessert was pretty funky
crispy apple rolls with ginger ice cream *very interesting*
served with a red date dipping sauce...
u r supposed to dip your apple rolls into the dipping sauce

Our degustation menu cost bout HKD 850 = RM 425 per person
forgot how much the wine cost
anyway this place worth goin esp if u have big groups
can order more mar....kekkekeke

Hutong *One Michelin Star*
28/F, One Peking Road,
Tsim Tsa Tsui, Kowloon,
Hong Kong.
Tel: +852 3428 8342


  1. the view at this restaarant is worth the price you pay for the if you do try out this place, mati mati you must get a window seat!!

  2. Which means having to book the table as early as 2 months prior! =P

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. JS: so u like this place? :D
    Nee Lee: only when it is peak period. We went there on 1st Jan.

  5. yes, this is a nice place and no need to go too's in tsim tsa tsui. won't ming going there again nx when in HK :)
