Thursday, March 04, 2010

Endless Japanese Buffet Lunch

Wanna see how far can a SGD 33 jap buffet stretch to?
errr more like how big/elastic our stomach lining can stretch to :P
Kindy Sheryl & MC
the name says it.....she's my kindergarten friend!!!! then we went to the same primary + secondary skool together :D
I was not close to MC in skool until I knew her a couple of years back and found out she's such a fun gal to be....and also a gila gila one...kekekekkeke. She alwiz make me so eppy :D
Lisa was my classmate in Secondary 4 when Monkey changed course from Science to Commerce
and she's 5 mths preggy now :D
*Wah this year macam got so many Tiger babies*
actually we ate more than the above but I pai seh to put anymore pics :P
great outing ladies...
till we meet again errr...say in April/May on my next trip to Spore :))))

Ikoi Japanese Retaurant
Miramar Hotel,
401 Havelock Road,
Singapore 169631.
Tel: +65 6733 0222

1 comment:

  1. Kindy Yen Ching + Kindy Sheryl + Kindy Chai :)
