Friday, February 12, 2010

Trevi Fountain, Rome

Trevi fountain!!!!!
so so so beautiful :))))))))))))))
the largest baroque fountain in Rome
it served as an aqueducts for 400 years
it was firstly sketched and designed by Bernini
but due to political reason and bla bla bla *too lazy to explain*
and relocation of fountains around Rome
it was later finished by Giuseppe PanniniTrevi Fountain is filled with coins
throw a coin over your right shoulder and legend has it that u will one day return to Rome

if 2 person threw it at the same time, it will leads to new romance
approximately 3000 Euros are thrown in every day ...
errr that's like RM 15,000!!!!!
*think Bottega Veneta Cabat Bag :))))))))*

All the coins go to charity to feed the needy

sometimes at nite after our lovely dinner,
we'll drop by here & Pak-tor :P
though it's not on the way nor convenient....but it's worth it
not like we get this type of view back home
plus the super nice cool weather :)))))))
so beautiful beyond words right?
even at nite, it's quite packed with ppl filling the fountain with coins
Monkey & JS threw coins in there too :P

"must throw higher value!!!"
"errrr msian coins can ar?"

Trevi Fountain
Piazza Trevi,
Rome, Italy.
Admission is free until u toss in a coin :)


  1. I was there too. I think one needs to be there to appreciate the true beauty of Trevi. It's really very romantic. I like it too! (Aiya you 2 so romanticsss..... )

  2. TL: Yes u are absolutely right, the total ambience there is so different huh...well when u r in ROMA...u must be ROMAntic mar :P
