Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tai Cheong Egg Tarts, Hong Kong

would u queue for awesome egg tarts?!?!??!?!?
oh yes I would :P
the above pic was stolen fr somebody's blog

Tai Cheong egg tarts is one of the famous one in HK
been operating since 50 years ago...
it used to be at Wellington street until the landlady raised their rental
hence they had to move elsewhere...

After our yummy roast goose
Monkey & JS skipped happily to have egg tarts down the road
and realised it has been moved

I felt my whole world had collapsed
my egg tarts~~~~~~~*sulked*
as a consolation, JS brought Monkey to have coffee

upon entering Pacific Coffee at Lyndhurst Terrace
I saw every table has egg tarts on it
Rubbed my eyes a couple of times...
"This can't be happening"

Monkey told JS to wait for a while at the comfy sofa + coffee
and dashed out fr the cafe

Tai Cheong has moved to Lyndhurst Terrace!!!!
sooooo sooo eppy I was tearing away :P
it was just 2 doors away fr Pacific Coffee
wat a sheer luck
*TQ to JS for coffee!!!!*
lucky the queue was not that long
only a couple of Korean tourists and a few locals
prollie everyone didn't know they have moved to another quieter street
the shop is very tiny and cluttered
they sell other desserts + pastries like this baked coconut thingy
cakes and more pastries!!!!
this one has got salted egg yolk innit!!!!
10 mins later, Monkey walked into Pacific Coffee
head held high and shuffle a pipping hot paper bag into JS's face
JS: "WAHHH u damn can!!!"
its skin/pastry has this crumbling texture
*while my stomach is rumbling now lookin at it!!!*
very very buttery too
the egg custard filling was so moist, soft and smooth
not too sweet either
all gone in a few bites
and I bought 3 only
otherwise sure kena marah coz we just had a huge lunch
heeeeeeeeee :D

HKD 5 per piece = RM 2.25
price is definitely on the steep side for such a small piece
but this place u kenot miss
it's even Ex-Governor of HK's fav place
when he came back to HK for official visit, this is the place he'll stop by first :P

Tai Cheong Bakery
35, Lyndhurst Terrace,
Central Hong Kong.


  1. Nee Lee: Me too!!!!!!

  2. Nee Lee: Me too!!!!!!

  3. this post makes me miss HK more :( evil dai ka jie.. hmmmmm

  4. Baby Wei: Get Wei Mei to buy for u....well that if she doesn't finish em up on her own :P
