Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Train ride Rome - Milan

yep the plane touched down on schedule at 6am...and in less than 30 minutes time
we were at the Leonardo Da Vinci aka Fiumicino airport's train station

treni in partenza = departing trains
and it took 15 ppl to figure out how to buy tickets fr the vending machine
coz all of us were foreigners...
there were french, greek, english and some african travellers.

and so Monkey trial-ed and error-ed the damn machine
abused it until 2 tickets came out.
everyone was "Voila!!!!!"
coz all of them chicken shit-ed out and didn't wanna put any Euros into the machine
for fear it will never come out.
train to Roma Termini = Rome's Terminal was quite comfortable
i forgotten how much it cost for the 30 mins journey.
Roma Termini was full of...wat else Emporio Armani everywhere
in fact the airport itself was full of advertising boards and buildings wrapped with Armanis...
i thought we landed at their factory in the beginning.
we had breakfast at the train terminal awaiting our next connecting train to Milan
I think the name of the cafe was Chef Express
they served nothing less than Lavazza coffee
*now can u compare this brioche with the one served onboard MAS?*

"I want Brioche"
Mr. Waiter: "Paaain? Cioccolato?"
*notice the pain?*

Mr. Waiter: "CIOCCOLATO" *hmmmmuahhhh*
and gave me that usual "kissing-my-5-fingers" gesture...

"ok ok cioccolato"
and it didn't disappoint me...coz the cioccolato = NUTELLA!!!!!!
yes Nutella is Italy's pride :)))))
JS had his Attila Pane with salame e provola
Pane = bread
salame = salami loorrrr....
provola = a type of cheese called provola

it was toasted with perfect crispness
"how come the panini here is so nice???"
let's gawk at the thinly sliced spicy salami
with traces of fats :)))))))))))))
we bought our tickets online erm like 2 months earlier fr TrenItalia's website
*bravo to Monkey bcoz it's quite impossible to log in and buy...according to Richard Quest of CNN*

it cost Euro 186 = RM 949 for 2 person to go to Milan *one way for First Class*

it's bout 4 hours journey with the fast train
know your Italian well and find your platform...cos there's like 31 platforms here
Bin = Platform
oh yea and also know which coach/carriage u are in...and wait at the correct coach/carriage
coz there's like 20 carriages!!!!!
and voila we were in!!!
they do serve drinks and snacks on the First Class cabin with daily papers...
daily papers in Italian -_-"
nice pic eh??? I TOOK IT!!!! with his giant NIKON tai farn shue
Firenze = Florence

the train stopped at Bologna and Florence
oh yea..there's a huge factory outlet in Florence

maybe another time....and from Florence u can go to Pisa

train ride was very very pleasant
and 4 hours flew past us while we sightsee-ed the countryside in such speed


  1. I like the Firenze shot :)

  2. one advice readers......if you wanna travel by train in italy or for that matter europe, please ensure you don't have too much can be a hassle as storage is limited especially if you have those big luggage bags....i recommend cabin size only :)

    p/s...also be aware of your surrounding....don't look like a "sui ee" for thieves and pickpockets to take advantage of you....look alert at all times and look garang too!!

  3. apart from good barbaresco and barolo wines and asti Spumanti, Piedmonte also produces Nutella, ferraro Rocher and tic tac!!!! the factories somewhere near Alba or probably in Alba!!
    Actually i have never seen such large JARs of Nutella used to spread on all sorts of pastries, bread, etc apart form italy!!

  4. garang face like you?

    how come we neva buy Nutella back ar?

  5. too heavy leh.....and given the restriction on luggage weight Bottega, prada, ferragamo, etc seem to be the cleverer choice :)

  6. too heavy leh.....and given the restriction on luggage weight Bottega, prada, ferragamo, etc seem to be the cleverer choice :)

  7. JS, very good advice, tips and recommendations. the infamous one are the pickpockets (many friends who have travelled there fell victim to that). Nutella...never knew that too.
