Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Duomo Milan, Part 1

and oh!!!! Duomo was the reason we were in Milan
errr and of coz the shopping *hehehehehehe*
and...heheheh also the dining
*we were chasing Michelin Stars in Milan* Duomo = Cathedral and the 4th largest in the world
but most of all..the most important fact u should know


yes in F.I.V.E.....LIMA....Cinque!!!!
Duomo has such amazing grand entrance
looking up all the way....
we had to tilt our necks and still can't see much
tilt sumore....
it's amazing how the sculptors actually sculpted the whole facade
Napoleon who was then crowned King of Italy had the facade finished during the 19th century the whole facade was made from Candoglia marble
which was transported along the Navigli canal construction began in 1386
and it certainly very very gothic
it's like...a weird building right in the middle of Milan it took so long...that Milanese alwiz use the Duomo as a benchmark to comment on things that take very long to complete... "wat's taking him so long?"
"oh coz he's building the Duomo"

get my drift?
beautiful exterior with stained glass
most windows depict scenes fr the Bible
the huge Piaza del Duomo
JS said it was not cold...well that was the 1st day... I

will blog bout other parts of Duomo in the near future its beautiful interior....
and most of all the rooftop of the Duomo
on a rainy day... yes on top of slippery marble slabs...
can u imagine how whiny i was????

yes and also the beautiful exterior in details.. soon soon...
will blog very soon just be patient as I need to select pics fr thousands of beautiful ones taken by JS.

I hope so far u folks have enjoyed the entries of Italy :)))))
oh yea another important thing...on 13 Dec 2009
the Prime Minister of Italy was attacked by a model souvenir of the Duomo
errrrm....I dun kesian u lor.

Mr Silvio left him with broken teeth, splitted lips and a broken nose

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