Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mount Kinabalu

Early morning Bernard da Joker + JS + Monkey woke up early
and caught a 45 minutes flight to Sandakan
it was a very early flight at 7am
the beautiful Mount Kinabalu fr bird eye's view
Do u have any idea how tall it is?
it's crazy and I dunno how ppl can scale the mountain at 13,435 ft
surrounded by smaller mountains in the Kinabalu National Park
by the way this place is a World Heritage Site
as the plane passed, Monkey snapped snapped more pics from the peak
it's made of hard rock called Granodiorite
can u see those lil white dots on the mountain?
there's a trail of white dots trailing up to more white dots in the middle up to the mountain
those are buildings for climbers to sleep and rest

yes I know...it's that STEEP!!!!
U'll need a guide to climb up and a porter to carry all your bags
otherwise u'll die with your bags with no breathe left!!!!
Bye bye Mount Kinabalu
Don't think I'll have the courage to climb u at all
a person at my fitness level better not even dream about it

It takes about 2 days to climb the mount
and u'll need to register months in advance as places are limited
dunno how the heck Mr. JS can climb 13 times


  1. wow! views are amazing!

  2. Kindy Chai: Oh yea really breathless view!!!!
