Monday, September 28, 2009

BBQ Nite 2

Nite 2 was a fish nite
JS BBQ a salt-baked fish
with tonnes of dill
and sliced lemon of coz
his salt concoction contained some secret ingredients
I know lemon zest was one of it...hehehehe
mix em all up and bind em together with an egg
the huge snapper all stuffed with herbs and lemon
next smack all the salt on the fish top and bottom
JS also made Japanese dried shrimp pasta
Eveline made this refreshing salad of prawns, mango and lychees
with lotsa lotsa mints too :))))))
Ta-Da, the fish looked so dead....kekekekeke
scrapped all the salt away
roast potatoes with fat and rosemary
hehehehe and it was Monkey back at the griller again with more chicken wings
aurbergine and lamb sausage
Happy lot
I am happy when I saw these...

It's Monday
But i woke up so early and was so determined to work
and it's now 8.30 and I felt so lazy already......

ohmmmm ohmmmm ohmmmm
It's gonna be a great Monday :))))


  1. The fish looks like this:


  2. Joo: HAHAHAHA u are right...the fsh looked so dead!!!

  3. Joo: HAHAHAHA u are right...the fsh looked so dead!!!
