Friday, August 14, 2009

My Bottega downing Mumm's Champagne at August Man's partay

*pic stolen fr Sweet Devil Rachel*
ever since Monkey has been carrying a Leica
she has abandon the idea of snapping pic...

coz the Leica wouldn't fit into my dainty clutch

so no pics fr events...hence had to steal fr ppl's
Terima Kasih Sweet Devil Rachel yea!!!

How time flies....
August Man turns ONE!!!!!
so all of us congregated at Alexis, The Gardens
Baby Wei, Monkey, Sexay Back, Sweet Devil Rachel
*pic also stolen from Sweet Devil*
Met up with so many old friends there
including all the ex-Gucci ppl
*my ex ex ex company*

school friends....casual friends....industry's friend...friends at work..
long lost friends.....
also some irritating ppl who came up to say hi n introduced himself
and also tak malu ppl

say bout 200 ppl turned up?

yeah since it was so packed..
Victor O the host just need to fling his shoulder
elbowed the many glasses of champagne on the table
they flowed down fr the glass to the table cloth
in such magical way~~~~~

and my dearie thirsty Bottega clutch was having a jollie good time
hey u are a Bottega.......dun drink Mumm's kay?
I'll get u Salon blanc de blanc at home.

Yes Bottega clutch is a must have at every August Man's partay!!!

Read about August Man's partay last year *here*

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