Thursday, August 13, 2009

Introducing Berr

This is Berr
pronunciation on the higher tone towards the end
so it's BERR

I saw him at Jim Thompson in Bangkok
and fell for him
JS: "What do u want fr this boutique?"
Monkey smiled ear to ear and pointed to Berr
JS: "HAH??????" *and proceeded to roll his eyes*

in the end JS took out his Amex to purchase Berr

"What shall we name him?"
JS: *pulsed his lips* "Berr!!!"

JS: "yes Berr!!!!"
Berr has been with us flying around the globe for the past 3 months
fr Bangkok to KL to Spore...and his latest destination was Melbourne
" do u like your seat here?"
JS: *pouts his lips coz all the attention gone to that fluffy pink thing*
I suppose that's his favourite place...
look at somebody's angry face
JS reading financial news to Berr

Sometimes at home:
"Hey u sat on him!!!" *and continued to whack the man*
JS budged a bit...

"Oh wait wait wait.....I forgot Berr...." *and dashed back*
JS looked up the ceiling and let out a sigh.....

"wait I need to give Berr some room in my u keep your own wallets and stuffs."
JS POUTED his lips >.<
closed his eyes and wished he didn't purchase that pink fluffy thing on that day.

oooohhhh sorry readers for this vainity
I missed Berr terribly coz he was at the laundrette for dry cleaning
but now he's
but minus my smell~~~~


  1. so BERR is gonna be your constant travel buddy eh..cute :)

  2. why isn't Berr a 'she'?

  3. Kindy Chai: Hey saw your pics of Japan...blasting trip?

    yup Berr is my new soulmate now...kekekekkeek

    Nee Lee: hmmm coz the moment our eyes met...I knew Berr is a "he" :)))

  4. LOL!!! Berr looks very soft & fluffy! I got 2 elephants from JT too.. one is made of silk & another cloth elly. I love them!!

  5. definitely a great trip, no doubt! just so damn hot and humid! and akiko's wedding was great and a whole lotta fun!

  6. เบอร์

    this is nhow you write berr in actually means number....or digit.....etc.
