Monday, June 22, 2009

Shell Shell & Monkey's bithday

oh yea...I'm still not done with my birthday postssssSSssssss

Bee Ree that's me
Shell 2 = Shell Shell lor

those were our pet names since erm...10 years ago?
these bunch of great friends of mine, grew up with Monkey in campus
staying in the same house...
well if u wanna be sane and alive staying in the same house without scratching each other's face
throwing pillow and cat fighting.......u better be good with each other
but our relationship were much more than that :))))
we are only one yea old.....wakakakakaka
we took care of each other.....made sure everything was in order
or more like disorder
when we were outta our parents' eyes for the first time in our life
woooohooooooooooo *no parents around!!!!!*
Mee Mee lighting out the candle and Monkey was erm....erm
was trying to block the gush of wind fr the air cond????
Mee Mee: "Still can't!!!! the candles got flickered!!!!"
okie maybe my body is not big enuff.
yes this is more like it....hey Miss Monkey, as u age can u pls use your brain a lil bit more?
it was Shell Shell's early birthday celebration and Monkey's belated birthday :P
Monkey and Shell Shell demanded a birthday song fr these two....
dun play play yea.... these two performed at KLPac for all the choir fest
and attend....*do u?* vocal classes.

how sweet!!!! an A Cappella of Happy Birthday to you~~~~~~~
both of us beaming with smiles!!!!
we still looked like the day our parents dumped us in the University
*meaning we still looked 18 wakakakakakakkaka*
haiyak and yak and yak and yak!!!!
my fav past time since I was 5.....
"Mee Mee u wanna lick the knife?"
lickering away and smacking lips
Mee Mee was my roomie for 4 years
u won't wanna do wat we did in our rooms :P
ahem...we were good gals OK?
pressie presentation to Shell Shell
why is Shell Shell so flustered?
Nee Lee: "Happy Birthday Shell Shell and we are giving u Simply Good Living Solutions to Life from Tupperware."
Nee Lee: "hmmmm take pic first!!!!"
Shell Shell: "I am so pressured to receive it!!!!"
coz Shell Shell thought she has to join Tupperware
Simply Good Solutions to Life
soon to be a member *ahem*, downliner, upliner

I'm a Tupperware freak :P
since I was 8
enjoying our cakes
Thank u Nee Lee and Mee Mee for the lunch and cakes and the awesome splendid song dedication
I and pressies
I was so touched
*in tears*
Nee Lee, Shell Shell, Mee Mee, Bee Ree

Oh yea we derived all these name from playing SIMS
woohooo SIMS 3 is out!!!!
yea we are also game freaks!!!

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