Monday, June 22, 2009

Seafood at Seri Kembangan

Shell Shell kidnapped all of us in her car and pushed round the maze
around Seri Kembangan
a territory which I'm definitely not familiar with.
Nee Lee went all euuuwww looking at the geoduck on display at this seafood place
and somehow managed to snap a few pics....
all pics above stolen fr her camera :P
Nee Lee got angry at pic being snapped at her so early in the morning
it was a lazy Sunday so everyone looked so lazy
Shell Shell also never give face >_<
no taking pics on early Sunday morning
Mee Mee damn layan and gave me her million dollar smile :)))))))))
Nee Lee: "ok ok u want to be layan-ed.....neh...."
Monkey O_O
Kam Heong Clams
and so we were stuffing our face with seafood on an early Sunday morning
ermmm 12pm is still considered morning on a sunday
steamed fish
mantis prawn done salt and pepper style
I dunno wat's the name of this place
but it's supposed to be a famous Bak Kut Teh place
turned into seafood place at nite.
fork lickin good
erm...they do serve seafood for lunch too
can alwiz come back again since it's so near to Shell Shell's place


  1. Aiyoh... I didn't realise I matched the table cloth!

  2. Nee Lee: More like the table cloth matched u...kekeke

    Have u check out PS today?!!??!?!

  3. Talk about PS! I can't believe the garden chair is on 'Summer Sales'! Damn I bought it at full price! :"(
