Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fu Zhou Noodle, Luyang Sabah

the moment we touched down
Monkey & JS via MAS
*which was delayed for 60 minutes thanks to technical refueling problem*

Si Fu,
Bagaholic and gang via JetStar

*also delayed thanks to the SWINE flu checks at the airport*
Bernard da Joker greeted all of us at the airport
with his warm "Welcome to Sabah!!!"

it was a first time visit for most of the Sporean gang
Bagaholic Tracie: "Cherry can we go to this place to see orang utan? Or maybe Tawau or Sandakan as well?"

"Gah!!! this is not Spore...u need to take a flight to both the places and it's VERY VERY FAR away~~~~~!"
Bagaholic and Si Fu's Mommy *who is now Bagaholic's mommy too...hehehehe*

so we crashed ourselves fr the airport
to the famous Fu Zhou Noodle for lunch
with luggages tagging along
hot lemon tea
u get these at every single kopitiam
JS had been waiting for months for his favourite noodle
-_- *me too in fact*
ta-da!!!! homemade egg noddles
drizzle with lard, fried shallots oil....
pork rolls...roast pork...minced pork
all the SWINES that we were eating
Si Fu's apa tengok tengok look
he's advertising for Philip Stein....on his wrist
when u see the smallest bowl....topped with nothing but Roast Swine
u know it belonged to Miss Monkey
also ordered the famous stewed Swine + Yam
Sabah's famous dish

Fu Zhou noodle is at Luyang
no address
dunno the street name as well

Read about my last visit *here*

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