Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Aphrodite.....Goddes of Love

we were here last summer!!!!
and here again during the winter
Monkey can be so excited even though this was not her 1st visit
coz this place is so beautiful

furthermore it was just 5 minutes fr the golf course
hiak hiak hiak
a very nice pic composed by Dinos the Great of Saint Veeny
playin with lights and flash
JS was still in his golf gear!!!
men in black as usual
off topic:
It was the Sports Day of XXX company with blue, green, red team
"wat team are u?"
everyone -_-"
wat to do.....boss has got his own team.
a bit difficult to walk with big pebbles on your way and smaller ones gettin into my shoes
Saint Veeny & Dinos the Great
Thank u for driving us here :)))))

I prefer this place during summer though
when it's warm and the sea is blue...

Read bout my summer trip to Aphrodite *here*


  1. You're kidding me! Winter & you're wearing 3 Quarter pants! :) I must visit Greece, I bet I would like the mild weather there..

  2. TL: hehe...coz that was after GOLF. Me still in golf gears!!! It was only 15 degrees...not that cold.

    oh yessss u must visit GREECE!!!
