Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Imbi Market

this place is like 1 min away fr home,
when it's that near, u tend to take it for granted.
Above was my hainanese coffee
still can see the froth of the fresh milk
AWESOME porridge
with all the spare parts with tonnes of crunchy yummylicious deep fried pork intestines
the grains were so silky smooth.
me and Si Fu finished one huge bowl
GOE aka God of Eatery with Si Fu
u know how yummy that porridge was judging his passionate expression
opsss caught in the act!!!
to repair the damage, he nonchalantly posed for another shot
dunnit to pai seh lar
toasted hainanese buns!!!
look at the butter!!!
it's thick and THICK and THICK
this place is scarily crowded so do come early
curry mee closed that day....
we came for that actually :(((
GOE busy at work
GOE's stunned face...
but can't beat the bugger in the background
hiak hiak hiak

Amy Q lookin sleepy after all the carbs
coz this was the 3rd pit stop for breakfast in under 3 hours
Passionate Si Fu, JS, Monkey, JJ Jelina, JJ James, Munchy, Amy Q
*pic stolen fr GOE's huge NIKON. TQ ar.*

Imbi Market or
Pasar Bukit Bintang,
Jalan Melati,
55100 Kuala Lumpur.

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