Monday, December 08, 2008

Al's @ Heritage

Got a sms fr Martian while I was at Global Brand Forum:
"Babe, I opened a restaurant."

I was like WAT? HOW? WHEN? WHERE???????
too many questions but all were answered when I landed my bum at his place :))
Monkey & Martian

hey Congratulations mate!!!!
can't wait for the menu and do create more new drinks ya
maybe some concoction as a tribute to Miss Monkey
*macam I contributed anything*
Lis & Claude Claudia
they were already there since 8pm
while Oreo Nij left when I arrived.

both of them sashayed across the road
in their glam outfits with eyes watching them
and stopped at Mr. Uncle who sells Lok-Lok for supper.

Martian, next offering in your menu - > Lok Lok
Sitting at its garden terrace was this stunning view
which according to Lis is no longer stunning....
with some farnie looking lights blinking and blinding at certain rhythm

Lis: "KL Tower gone feng-tau"
"feng tau???"

Lis: "check out those disco-ing feng tau-ing lights installed."

Monkey strained her eyes and stared at KL Tower-gone-Ah BEng
"Gosh...wat have they done?"
Loud Kiran said she's too shy for a pic
this is debatable.
Monkey & Lis
Lis, Claude Claudia, Monkey, Loud Kiran

We'll come back for food next round,
sorry was so stuffed and bloated when we came.

Get my VIP membership card ready yea!!!!
tee hee hee

Al's @ Heritage
Heritage Row,
Jalan Doraisamy,
50300 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 603 2692 0992

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