Thursday, August 28, 2008

Satu kuda, dua kuda

I never like Ralph Lauren since I was a lil gal,
-_- sorry to RL's fans
last Fri during dinner,
both JS and Prince C coincidentally came in the
same brand
same collection
same colour
cept that one has got one horse
the other has 3 horses.

"It's different, mine got 3 horses, his only ONE. Entirely different collections!!!"
stressing his point and trying to educate miss monkey

Same same to me
and I don't understand why these 2 buggers went around
RL's boutiques in Spore looking for the limited
2 horses polo shirts.
and when I was in Pavilion on Sunday,
I saw Mr. 2 horses with number 3 on the sleeve sitting neatly
*they can't count izzit? only 2 horses but put number 3???*
at the flagship store.
all colors and all sizes were there.

JS was squealing like "Ms Monkey-when-she-saw-her-IT-Bag"
and called Prince C -_-
"Come to Pavilion now. Your 2 horses is here!!!!!"

I thought only women are vain pot.
anyway since I so sayang him, I got him the shirt.
-_- *I oso beh-tahan*

Not that expensive coz in Spore it was SGD 275
Pavilion RM 610
so...same same only.
JS is starting his collection of RL shirts in multiple colors.
JS got me the Ralph Lauren Golf shirt in Cyprus.
I seldom wear it coz I-told-u-i-dont-like-RL

very exp there coz it's was in euro...
wear already can fly one..
yeah maybe my balls can fly higher the next time I hit it with 5 Wood.
then it's OUR TURN!!!
I-Ching and me came in the same LV Roxbury Drive.

Our turn to be vain pots.
"See See our bags same same!!!!"

The RL men: -_-"

Fukuya staffs then said: *the restaurant we were dining at then*
"WAH like brothers like sisters."

More like twins I must say.
This is what happen when u go shopping together.

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