Friday, August 29, 2008

Dinner at Jalan Raja Laut

It was raining like cats and dogs,
we thought dinner would have to be postponed
either to another day or another place.

But Beautiful CS didn't informed it was a proper makan place
with roof and all.
steamed fish with salted vege and chilies.
I lurve its "soup"
Oh Jien!!!
fried oyster omelette
we had 2 servings!!!
hiak hiak hiak.

from its parking, I was already telling YS and JS
*sniff sniff*
"oooo can u smell the egg???*

well wat to do, this Monkey whacked 250 balls at the driving range earlier,
and was so hungry she had to stuff her face with a piece of
"ghee" roti canai before dinner.
fried "pak kor" with seafood and nyek nyek nyek
my favourite crispy pork lard.

Beautiful CS was helping me to hunt for the tiny bits...
" u go."
fried bamboo clam "kam hiong" style.
stir fried "farn shu miu"
sweet potato leaves.
I like this vege a lot,
must be due to its fibrous chewy texture.
sticky sweet pork ribs was the last dish.

her standard question after the last course:
Beautiful CS: "Can u all still eat? Do u want anything else?"
All of us: "YES PLEASE!!!!"
our FAT faces

I dunno how the heck did 4 of us whacked everything
next to go would be my turn to cari a place to makan.

Mr. JS, your turn to think apart fr eating at Chef Takashi.
the place aint' ready yet.

No name makan place
Jalan Tiong Nam
Off Jalan Raja Laut
50350 Kuala Lumpur.

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