Thursday, July 31, 2008

Haagen Dazs with CS

Both of us were craving for Haagen Dazs fondue
after my post on its mooncake
Read about it *here*

that was soooo last year
when Beautiful CS was with working with VCA
so after our hokkien mee dinner,
we drove all the way to Bangsar
for the above.....

the men were rolling and rolling and rolling their eyes.

Charming YS: "WHAT???? Ice cream again??"
Monkey: "That was 2 weeks ago -_-"

Beautiful CS: "Your rum and raisin is still in my fridge."
overall there were 16 small tiny lil scoops of ice cream

cookies & cream
belgian chocolate

NO, you can't change the flavours.
they were all pre-made.
actually I'm more of a strawberry person.
Hey woman,
when is our next makan session?

Prestige Top40 under 40 is on 16th Aug.
looks like all our weekends are blocked.

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